#i mean if you have any other suggestions lemme know too
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mewdoodles · 4 days ago
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First time using a poll soo uhhhh which one of these thumbnails should I attempt to make into an animated background??
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nereidprinc3ss · 10 months ago
hi!!! here for a request. can we have a imagine where reader has a wound from surgery or whatever on like in a rib and she hides to change the bandages but then spencer sees her and he’s like ‘lemme help you’ and…
you do you for the rest!
in which spencer helps BAU fem!reader change her bandages in the bathroom at work. it's intimate, and he's adorable and awkward, and it only fuels her terrible, terrible crush.
warnings/tags: fluff, talk/description of wound, brief talk of being stabbed (does not actually occur in this fic lol), reader wears a bra, spencer undoes said bra but not sexually, lots of suggestive humor and teasing, a TINY sprinkling of angst but not really, idiots in love
a/n: i'm picturing early seasons spencer and it is filling me with so much unbridled joy. I. LOVE. HIM. thank you for the request!! and lets not talk about how inconsistent my formatting for requests is pls and thanks!!
It’s not like you meant to bend down so quickly that your wound reopened—but here you are, suffering the consequences of your actions in the women’s bathroom at Quantico as you try to assess the injury before you re-bandage it. And your shoe is still untied. 
Unfortunately, the fact that you had quite literally been stabbed in the back last week makes it hard to reach said injury—especially when you’re at work and so can’t take off your shirt like you normally would. And all this struggling means it’s taking longer than it should, so now you’re focused on the wound and its scabby, wet edges and all the things it’s secreting rather than hurrying to give another statement of the entire event to Hotch since the first one had apparently been too sparse on the details. 
A knock sounds on the open door. Spencer calls your name. 
“You in there?”
The angle of your neck has your voice slightly strained as you call back, “yeah, what’s up? Is it Hotch?” you pause to hiss as you accidentally scratch at the wound with a nail. You don’t even want to know how much bacteria you just introduced to it. “Tell him I didn’t forget our meeting, I’ll be there in—”
“It’s not Hotch. I just wanted to make sure everything was okay with your back? I know you said you were going to check on it, but you’ve been in there a while.”
You sigh, dropping your sore arm as you continue to hold up your shirt with the other and regarding the reflection of your back in the mirror. 
“Actually—could you come in here?”
There’s a pause. 
“You want me to come into the women’s restroom?”
“Yes, Spencer. It’s fine. There’s nobody else in here. I just… I need some help, I think.”
The last part is admitted quietly, with an air of defeat. To admit to needing help, is, by your standards, the same as failure. Spencer knows this, which is probably the only reason he puts aside his hesitations and shuffles uncertainly into the tiled room. If you’re asking for help, it’s because you really need it. 
“What do you need help with?” he asks, sweeping his gaze suspiciously around the lavatory as if you were lying about there not being any other women present and this whole thing might be a trap of some sort. 
“It’s gross, and you can totally say no.”
He raises his brows expectantly, before spotting the weeping wound on your back. Unconsciously he steps closer, leaning forward. It’s not your fault, and the gore is not specific to you—anyone’s body would react this way to being stabbed. But you still feel embarrassed by the close attention to such an ugly marring, which nobody besides you and your doctors has actually seen up close.
“That doesn’t look good,” he mutters. The expression on his face is irritatingly familiar—the drawn brows, tightened eyes, barely parted lips—but it takes a moment before you realize what it is. 
“Reid,” you complain. He’s still stooped over slightly to examine the wound, and looks up at you through dark lashes with those infuriatingly warm puppydog eyes.
“You’re looking at me the way you look at a dead body on the slab.”
His nose scrunches.
Some might say it scrunches adorably. 
“No, I’m not. That’s just my face.”
“Okay, well stop. It’s freaking me out.”
He pouts—actually pouts. Subtle, but bottom lip jutted out and all. It’s ridiculously endearing. 
“My face freaks you out?”
“Wh—no! That’s not what I said! You have—you have a great face! I didn’t mean—” 
You manage to claw yourself out of the hole you’re digging when you see the dopey smile growing on his face. 
Oh. He was fucking with you. 
He never used to do that. It’s unnerving to be the fucked with instead of the fucker for a change. Especially when it’s Spencer. 
“What did you need me for?” Spencer asks by way of peace offering. You close your eyes and sigh, attempting to collect your thoughts without his presence re-scrambling them.  
“Um—I just need you to put this bandage over it. I can’t reach without taking my shirt off.”
And now you’re forced to wonder if he’s thinking about you shirtless as much as you’re thinking about you shirtless.
“Yeah—don’t do that,” he says absentmindedly, stepping again closer to get a better look before turning to the nearest sink.
For some reason, this offends you. 
“Why not?”
Spencer pulls another face as he washes his hands—you love the constant flow of expressions he always seems so unconscious of. Even when they’re not pleasant and directed at you.  
“Are you asking me why shouldn’t you take your shirt off?” he clarifies. 
“I know why I shouldn’t take my shirt off, but I want to know why you think I shouldn’t take my shirt off.”
“Because we’re at work?” he observes astutely. You frown deeply at his completely logical reply. Spencer chuckles as he dries his hands and approaches once more, taking the square of gauze pre-lined with medical tape from your hand. “I mean, I can’t stop you. But it would be kind of a weird choice.”
“Oh, so me shirtless is weird?”
Cool fingers meet the comparatively hot skin of your back—where everything is still sensitive because the wound wreaked havoc on your nerves there. You flinch slightly. 
“Sorry,” he murmurs gently. Though his touch is so incredibly light it doesn’t really hurt—it hurts much less than when you’re tending to the wound, anyway. It’s almost soothing. After a moment he continues, a bit louder. “And that is not what I was saying. But I am completely comfortable asserting that it would be weird for you to be shirtless at work.”
The gentle touches contrast with his teasing words and serve to disorient you as you’re shaken back in to your usual dynamic. Which is markedly more sarcastic. 
Before you have to think of something to say, Spencer interrupts you. 
“Your, um—I think your… brassiere… is in the way.”
As soon as he says it you burst out laughing. It echoes through the room. 
“My brassiere? Are you actually 70 years old?”
His brows knit even tighter and his face gets very pink very quickly. He can’t meet your eyes over your shoulder. 
“That’s what it’s called.”
“Spencer, you may be the first person to use that word since 1952. Say bra.”
“I don’t want to,” he complains. Your laughter only grows as your head tips back. 
“Why? How is brassiere better than bra?”
“It’s—it’s too colloquial! I’m trying to be professional!”
“Call it a bra or I’m going to rub my dirty hands all over my back,” you threaten, adopting a poker face so he knows you mean business. His eyes widen immediately. 
“Oh my god! Bra! Do you want to introduce staph and meningitis and g—do not do that!”
“See? How hard was that?”
“I hate you,” he mumbles, face still flushed and adorable. “And you still have to take it off.”
“Excuse me?” you grin, pretending to be affronted because you know he didn’t mean it like that but it’s fun to pretend he did. Fun for you, of course. Not so much for him. He's utterly flustered by this point.
“Or at least undo it! It’s in the way.”
With a deeply bored sigh, you go to unclasp your bra—but as you go to do it your shirt drops down. You grimace, humor briefly forgotten as the fabric brushes the damaged skin. 
“I can’t—”
“Okay, just—I’ll do it,” Spencer says. “Just move your shirt again.”
So you do, watching his reflection as he works.
And you have not one joke to break the heavy silence with as you feel his knuckles gently pressing into the middle of your back, as he unclasps the bra with his characteristic tenderness and a surprising amount of agility. It’s quiet except for your pulse in your own ears as he carefully pushes it out of his way, holding it down with a hand to your rib cage and fingertips slipping just under the fabric of your shirt—unintentionally and certainly non-sexual, no doubt, but skimming under your heart in a way that still feels so intimate you’re realizing how touch-starved you are. 
“You do that often?” you find yourself asking, because you’re stupid, and you need to cool the tension before it chokes you, and you can’t help yourself even though you don’t actually want to know the answer. 
“I,” he begins, voice quiet as rustling paper, tongue darting over his lip and eyes narrowed. The sentence stalls as he focuses on placing the patch just so. “Do not think that is an appropriate workplace question.”
Something aches in the pit of your stomach. 
Something resembling jealousy. 
It was not the timid evasive linguistic maneuver of someone who is insecure about the thing they’re discussing. It was not the awkward fumbling no but I don’t want to tell you that which you were expecting from Spencer Reid. 
Nor is it an easy yes—an admission between friends. He doesn’t want to tell you. 
You swallow and try to act like yourself. 
“Yet here you are, in the woman’s restroom at our place of employment, undoing my bra. I think we’re past professionalism.”
“When you decontextualize it like that it sounds like something it’s not. This is professional, because I’m helping you with a wound you sustained on the job. I’m being a good colleague.”
Your lips twist into a smile he can’t see. 
“A great colleague would kiss it better.”
“It's almost like you want me to file a sexual harassment complaint with HR," he says through a little smirk as he smooths the bandage over. Before you can snip back, he steamrolls over his own teasing—you’ve both been speaking in almost reverent tones since he started but his voice loses the sarcastic edge from a second before and reverts back to concerned and sweet. “Does that feel okay?”
You rotate your shoulders best you can without letting go of your shirt or flashing the good doctor to check if it feels secure.  
“It’s good. And hey—if I were going to sexually harass you I would do a lot better than that. You think that’s my best material? That’s just the tip of the iceberg. I keep so many inappropriate comments to myself. You’d be shocked by some of the things I have almost said to you.”
He laughs, secures the band of your bra and begins fitting it to the clasp you’d had it on—and at that precise moment Emily walks in. 
“It’s—I’m—I was helping her!” Spencer panics, immediately removing his hands from you like his palms are burning and holding them up defensively. 
“Oh, you helped me alright,” you tease, pulling your shirt back into place. 
“Don’t say it like that!” And then, to Emily, “I was changing out her bandage!”
“Changing my bandage,” you emphasize, winking more than is advisable. 
“That’s—this is a hostile work environment! I feel unsafe!” Spencer almost yells, half laughs, as he scampers towards the door. “I’m going to HR!”
“Shut up! You love it!”
His laughter audibly travels farther away for several moments as he presumably goes back down the hallway to do his actual job. 
You have the stupidest grin on your face, but you wipe it off when you notice Emily staring. 
“Nothing,” she says, shaking her head and looking away, moving toward a stall. “You’re just… you guys are funny.”
“What do you mean funny?” You demand, standing right outside her stall as she closes it. 
“Wh—I mean funny! Are you going to listen to me pee, you weirdo?”
You frown. 
She makes a good point. 
Unfortunately, giving Hotch a more detailed statement is just as bad as you’d thought it’d be. Despite how cheery you’ve tried to remain about the whole situation, despite the way you insisted that the wound was so shallow you didn’t need more than a few days off work, despite the jokes you make about forgetting it’s even there because it’s on your back—it’s hard not to remember exactly how the glass felt twisting under your skin, how you’d felt suddenly so hot and lightheaded and sick to your stomach and the way Morgan hollered because he didn’t know how deep it had gone after you crumpled quick from shock, when you’re asked to describe it all in excruciating detail. 
It only takes ten minutes, but they seem to drag on and on and by the time you’re leaving Hotch’s office you feel utterly drained. You hurry back to your desk, covertly wiping away moisture that you refuse to allow to become tears. Once seated, and having dodged sympathetic looks and avoided any do you want to talk about its, you allow yourself a few deep breaths with your eyes shut. 
When you open them, you realize there’s a fresh cup of your favorite tea on your desk, in the Snoopy mug the team is always fighting over. Now his little black nose is covered by a square of yellow paper. You’re already smiling as you peel away the sticky note and hold it closer. 
On it is an adorably odd smiley-face, and a note in familiar, messy looping scrawl. 
I would never report you to HR beautiful
That would be a stab in the back!
You snort loudly and clap a hand to your mouth—but you’ve already drawn the attention of almost everyone in the bullpen. 
When you turn to look at Spencer, he’s not looking back. Instead, his eyes are firmly trained on his computer screen. But he’s got his chin propped on his fist over the desk, and his knuckles are doing a poor job of concealing a giant self satisfied grin. He is the only person on the team who knows you well enough to make such a distasteful joke. And he also knows you well enough to know that it would make you feel so much better after your meeting with Hotch than all the well-meaning sincerity in the world ever could.
Maybe that is the right word for what you two are. 
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filiazpink · 3 months ago
🩷"OH PRIMUS,,,"🩷
orion pax x femme + superior! reader x d-16 warnings: suggestive language (like- once but still), darkwing being darkwing, i’m a sucker for cheesy stuff, really minor transformers one spoilers (?)
summary: orion finds himself completely enamored with one of his superiors and d-16 doesn’t really mind it, until one day, you show up at the mines.
a/n: my very first tumblr fic!! i might post this on my AO3 account as well! hope this reached your expectations considering more than 200 people voted for this prompt on my poll  =͟͟͞͞(꒪ᗜ꒪‧̣̥̇) ill get to some of the other prompts shortly after, i just wanted to know which one would be best to start with (and to properly introduce my writing to tumblr teehee) !! comments and reblogs are highly appreciated !! ENJOY!! 💞💞💞
word count: 1139
proofread: minimal (lemme know if there's any errors!!)
read part 2 here: 💞💞
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orion simply couldn't stop thinking about you.
your shiny and colorful armor, your beautiful optics, your height and strength. that voice. the power and authority you had over him. that power rivaled sentinel prime’s in his eyes. everything.
you were simply breathtaking. 
“earth to orionnnn, come on, rust bucket!!” pink servos waving at him frantically snapped the red and blue mech out of his trance. focusing his glance, orion watched as elita-1 gave him one of the scariest faces he’s seen yet, followed by d-16 behind her with his arms crossed, looking at his friend with a disappointed expression.
“what’s wrong with you?! you broke protocol, AGAIN!” elita pulled the miner to his feet, groaning in annoyance. orion’s dumb dopey smile quickly turned into a shocked frown and he was about to ask what he did now, but thankfully, his friend answered for him.
“orion, buddy, i know,,, i know you just wanted to save jazz from that explosion but you almost got killed doing that, man.” d-16 looked to the side, avoiding his friend’s gaze.
“you can’t keep doing this, pax. ONE more stunt like this and I’LL be the one to get-”
“what happened here??” elita snapped her head towards the newcomer’s voice, expecting maybe another miner, but her angry scowl quickly faded away once she saw who it was.
it was elita’s superior. 
it was you. 
oh primus, beautiful, amazing, spectacular you. orion felt a rush of warmth cover his face as you walked in along with,,,
oh- with darkwing. of course he was there with you.
STILL- you just showed up with no prompting, and two days in advance no less?? clearly, this was important.
orion fixed his posture and tried to dust off any grime he had on him. d-16 chuckled quietly at his best friend’s excitement, before turning his attention to you.
“(y-y/n)! i thought you were coming to check on our sector in t-two days! i’m so sorry you have to see my team like this i swear it was an accident-” the poor pink bot stammered, much to darkwing’s amusement and to your confusion.
“what accident? the cave collapsing? that’s normal, elita-1. don’t worry about it. you’re telling me it was a complete accident so i will take your word for it.” hearing those words coming from you made elita feel like she was just told that sentinel finally found the matrix of leadership.
“oh, thank you, thank you,,,” orion and d-16 watched as elita continuously thanked her superior, chuckling. 
“well, that means we don’t get our butts kicked too, thank primus (y/n) was here.” the red and blue miner said, walking away from the scene with his pal.
“yea and now we can just finish this shift and relax-”
“d-16?” the two stopped in their tracks, slowly turning around in an almost comical way to face the much taller femme. 
orion’s servos trembled. he felt embarrassed, he was over here making a fool of himself with how obvious his crush on you was. literally everyone who steps foot in the mines knew about it, aside from, clearly, you. heck, even darkwing seemed to know, considering that despite his optics not being visible, he clearly was glaring at the cog-less bot whenever he tried speaking to you during past visits.
or maybe it was just his usual routine of hating cogless bots.
d-16, however, gulped and let out the tiniest of “yes?”. ohhh boy, what now?? did you assume that the cave collapsing was his doing?? did darkwing tell you that-
“you’re at the top of your ranks here, correct?” his train of thought was interrupted by your soft voice, watching as you knelt down to his height, placing a hand on his shoulder, which shocked him a bit. orion stared at the polished hand on his best friend’s rusted shoulder with envy, his optics narrowing just a smidge.
“i already spoke to elita about this, but i also want you to hear it. i’ve heard some great things about you, and how you excel amongst your ranks. so i just wanted you to hear this.” d-16 felt frozen.
‘what is this,,, feeling? my face is burning,,’ oh indeed it was. his face flushed in a deep blue as he anxiously waited for your next words. just your soothing voice got him like this and he simply couldn’t understand why.
“,,, i need you.”
the first to react was darkwing, who let out a very outraged grunt of confusion, as if you just cheated on him with a MINER of all bots in his face, followed by elita, the other miners and orion gasping, everyone turning their heads towards the two.
“,,,w-what?” the gray miner’s voice box barely even processed his astonished question. he felt as if his circuits were frying up by how hot he felt. 
orion’s expression showed bewilderment and a hint of betrayal. this,,, wasn’t fair?? well- he knew it wasn’t d-16 who said that to you, but he still couldn’t help but feel jealous.
he wished it could have been him.
but then finally, you realized what you just said and removed your hand from the shorter bot’s shoulder, standing up straight and bumping into darkwing’s chest armor. “oh- p-please excuse me. i- uh, i chose my words wrong.” 
the onlookers decided to stop eavesdropping, realizing it was a simple mistake on your part. that made orion sigh in relief, which didn’t go unnoticed by d-16. but his attention was quickly brought back to you.
“my apologies, i- i would never say such things- not during work hours, i’m sorry- what i meant to say, i need you- as in i need you to help keep up the good work to motivate the other miners to do the same. it helps your ranks as it helps mine if we all put our parts to make a difference. s-so, yea.” you looked around, avoiding eye contact, a small blush remaining on your face. both miners nearly swooned at such a cute expression on your face.
“i just needed to do an early check up according to sentinel, that’s all. thought i’d try and give some pep talk and you can see i have to work on that,,” you giggled before clearing your throat and staring down at the mesmerized bots.
“goodbye.” and with that being said, you quickly marched back to the main exit with a very, VERY jealous darkwing in tow. 
orion turned his gaze to his best friend, who watched you depart with a dreamy look on his face. the red and blue bot sighed and gently shook his shoulder.
“d?,,,” oh he knew. 
he recognized that stare. the same stare he gave when he saw anything megatronus prime related, that same glimmer in his optics. it was that same spark that orion had when he first saw you.
oh primus.
⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆
🩷send me a burger !! : ko-fi💗 🩷visit my other socials !! : socials list💗 🩷writing requests rules !! : info list💗
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azzifuddslover · 3 months ago
paige bueckers x azzi fudd
themes: angst, jealousy
tw: swearing (i think that’s all?)
word count: 2.7k
a/n: i had fun with this chapter! excited to continue writing 😋 i had to ofc add the lil dijonai & lyss foul haha. also if u have any one shot suggestions please please lemme know! enjoy
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“oh my goodness, hi!” nika pulled each one of the freshmen into a warm embrace. “we’re so excited to have you guys here!”
we? paige thought to herself, that she didn’t dare speak out loud.
“we’re excited to be here!” caroline smiled at the three older girls, as aubrey and azzi hugged.
paige purposefully put distant between herself and the curly headed brunette, not wanting to start arguments her first day.
“so, where do you guys wanna see next?” aubrey questioned, while paige remained silent, keeping to herself.
“you tell us,” ashlynn said, excitedly.
“alright,” nika slung her arm around paige’s shoulder, “let’s go show you the dorms then.”
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as the seven girls made their way to the dorm rooms, azzi walked behind aubrey who led the way, while nika and paige placed themselves in the back.
“you good, p?” nika whispered, “it’s unlike you to be this quiet.”
paige plastered a smile on her face, “all good, nik.”
“no, seriously, what’s up?”
“i’m fine, really. just tired,” she reassured her close friend, gently squeezing her shoulder.
minutes later the girls arrived at the dorms when nika spoke up.
“i think it’s best to divide into groups so we can still get lunch. aubrey, show caroline and yanna your room, paige show azzi yours and i’ll show ash mine.”
of course nika would place azzi with paige. alone.
“um, i’ll take ashlynn,” paige suggested, but it was too late. ashlynn was already off with nika, aubrey was leading carol and yanna to her dorm.
azzi stood awkwardly in the hallway, eyes focused on the floor, as paige glanced once at her before taking off to her room.
“cmon,” she muttered, passing azzi.
azzi was hesitant to follow, but she did regardless, keeping her head low while nerves twisted in her stomach. azzi couldn’t remember the last time she was alone with paige, if ever. the pair have clearly never gotten along, so she was nervous to see where this would go.
paige opened the door to her dorm, that she shared with another teammate, dorka, who happened to be laying in her bed.
“hey dorka,” paige said, announcing her presence along with azzi’s.
“hey p,” dorka looked at her, then at the freshmen, “who’s this?”
“one of the new freshmen, azzi.”
dorka smiled at azzi in a reassuring manner, then pulled her in for a quick hug. “welcome to uconn, azzi!”
azzi gently hugged the older girl back, feeling less nervous with dorka being there. “happy to be here.”
“you’re going to love it. i’m a transfer, and its absolutely amazing. the girls are all so great, geno can be a bit tough, but he means well,” dorka explained.
azzi was genuinely excited for her start at university of connecticut. she’s always kept uconn as an option for her future school, and finally was able to commit just a few weeks ago. she figured it’d be the best fit for her, despite paige being here.
“well, i told lou i’d meet her in the dining hall, so i’ll catch y’all later,” dorka said, grabbing her bag and phone before quickly leaving.
the silent in the small dorm was haunting. paige’s eyes were focused on her phone, while azzi motionlessly stood against the wall, waiting for any sort of conversation.
“so, do you like it here so far?” paige asked, finally breaking the silence.
azzi looked over at paige, “it’s nice, yeah. the girls seem nice.”
“that’s good,” paige replied.
“are you excited to meet-“
“you don’t have to make small talk, paige. we both know you aren’t happy with me committing here,” azzi bite out.
paige scolded her eyes, “you’re right. i’m not happy with you being here. but i can’t change it, can i?”
“nope, you can’t. let’s just ignore each other like we’ve always have.”
secretly, paige didn’t want to ignore azzi. she couldn’t. but she pretended to did it anyway.
“fine by me,” paige shouted, walking towards the door.
“where are you going? this is literally your room!”
“anywhere else but here, with you. go catch up with nika or something,” paige muttered as she left, leaving azzi staring at the door.
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it was the first day of practice with the new additions to the uconn team, and paige successfully avoided azzi at all costs. whenever the team got together, they’d always converse with other players, never daring to look each other’s way.
paige brought the basketball up the court during a 5v5 match. she directed the players on her team to her liking, then passed it to lou who made the open 3 shot. aubrey secured the rebound, threw it off to azzi, who began to bring it to the opposing net. paige, of course, was right on her heels, defending her. azzi noticed the blonde from the corner of her eye, looking unbothered as ever.
reaching the 3 point line with paige right there, azzi considers all the potential lanes to the basket. when nika, part of the opposing team, goes to defend aubrey, azzi sprints through an open lane, going for the layup.
paige was quick to notice her plan, though. she blocked the ball from entering the basket, hitting azzi in the process. it was an obvious foul.
“hey, that’s a foul!” azzi shouted.
paige, who’s grinning to herself, adverted her eyes to the brunette. “no it wasn’t, it was clean.”
“you’re just mad you can’t make a shot on me,” paige replied.
“please. like i haven’t done it before!” azzi exclaimed loud enough for heads to turn.
“ladies!” coach auriemma interrupted their argument, “make sure to stay after practice.”
for goodness sake, paige thought to herself.
“this is all your fault,” paige whispered, loud enough for only azzi could hear.
azzi simply rolled her eyes at paige’s remark. she wasn’t going to let the older girl distract her further; she’s already done it enough.
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practice quickly came to a close; azzi managed to put distance between herself and paige, not wanting to cause any more trouble than she already had.
each one of the basketball players made their way out of the gym, while azzi and paige anxiously remained, waiting for coach.
his office door opened, “come on in.”
paige took the left chair as azzi took the right, both not saying a word. coach auriemma looked pissed.
“your behaviors is unacceptable. if you both want to help this team succeed, we’ll all need to get along, including you two. especially you guys. you both are two of the best players we have, and i’m going to need y’all to quit it with the bickering and focus on the game. am i clear?”
“yes, coach,” paige and azzi say in unison.
“alright then. with that being said, go out to eat with one another. get to know each other. i don’t know what caused your disliking of each other, but it’s got to change immediately,” geno auriemma instructed the girls.
paige’s eyes widen as azzi shifted uncomfortably in her seat, clearly not pleased with his suggestion. but azzi was new, and she only wanted to please her coach.
“that sounds fine by me,” azzi said, despite her brain saying she’d rather do anything else.
paige stole a glance at the younger girl, before also agreeing.
“good. when tomorrow comes around, i better not hear any arguments. and if i do, the pair of you will face further consequences. am i understood?”
paige nodded her head rapidly, “yes coach.”
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“so, where do you wanna go?” azzi questioned the blonde after exiting coach auriemma’s office.
paige rolled her eyes, “we aren’t actually going anywhere together. if you thought that, you’re crazy.”
azzi couldn’t help but be slightly shocked that paige would lie to their coach. “paige, i’m not getting into more trouble just because of you. look, i don’t want to go anywhere with you either, but we have no choice. let’s just get it over with.”
paige absorbed azzi’s words, carefully considering them. “alright, fine,” she sighed, “where too?”
“do you like chick fa la?”
“uh, yeah. who doesn’t? that’s like asking if i breath air.”
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after a silent car ride with paige driving and azzi being the passenger princess, the two ordered their meals and sat in an open booth, facing one another.
paige continued not to look azzi in the eye. azzi, however, was harshly glaring at the older girl. “are you going to ignore me forever or actually acknowledge we’re teammates?”
paige finally locked gazes with azzi, “i was planning to ignore you forever.”
azzi couldn’t help but softly chuckle, “of course you were.”
paige lips rose at the sight of azzi’s breathtaking smile, “you make it impossible, though.”
“oh, really? it seems you’ve been doing it pretty damn well for as long as i’ve known you.”
paige didn’t dare to tell her that ignoring azzi is the hardest thing someone could do. it wasn’t just her skills on the court, that could make anyone, including paige, second-guess their game. it was the way azzi carried herself, making everything she did seem effortless, even when it wasn’t. her silent confidence and her ability to make everyone feel included even in a busy crowd. paige hated how much she admired the young girl from afar; how looking at azzi made her forget about everything and everyone around her. it was impossible to ignore a girl like azzi.
instead, paige settled on, “you’re just a pretty good player. i always notice good players.”
after swallowing a bite of a chicken nugget, azzi leaned her elbows on the table, a small smirk lingering on her face. “so now you admit to me being good?”
paige couldn’t help but roll her eyes at her comment regarding USA basketball days. “whatever, whatever.”
azzi laughed to herself, and continued to enjoy her meal, while paige also focused on eating rather than the conversation.
azzi and paige eventually relaxed to each other’s presence, feeling more comfortable than before. they discussed the challenging classes they were taking and geno’s firm coaching methods; the girls began to somewhat enjoy each others company, when a boy around their age walked up to their table.
paige and azzi both looked up at the man, who was directly eyeing the brunette. azzi’s cheeks reddened at the sudden attention.
“can we help you?” paige asked, making the man turn to look at her.
“yeah, uh, i was wondering if i could get your number? you’re, like, really pretty,” the man said to azzi.
her cheeks were basically inflamed at this point, “uh,” she tried to think of the words, “sure, i guess?”
paige scoffed at azzi’s interaction with this random guy. they were finally talking and she had to ruin it. paige clenched her fists and suddenly rose from the table, causing the man and azzi to look at her.
“i’m going to the car,” paige announced, taking off before azzi could get another word out.
after paige’s exit, the boy looked helplessly at azzi, beaming regardless of paige’s reaction. he was pretty cute, but azzi didn’t have the time to focus on anything but basketball and her classes.
“i’m kameron, by the way,” he said.
“i’m azzi, but i gotta go, sorry,” azzi replied, trying to hurry out of there as soon as possible.
“wait, your number—“ but azzi was already out the door.
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azzi climbed into the passenger seat, immediately aware that this ride will be even more awkward than the one they previously had.
paige’s grip on the steering wheel caused her knuckles to turn white. when azzi noticed, she softly asked, “are you okay?”
“are you kidding me, azzi? we were finally getting along and you had to ruin it by giving some dude attention. what the actual fuck?”
“it wasn’t my fault he came up to me!” azzi shouted at paige.
“you could’ve said no! but instead you agreed right in front of me!”
azzi gaped at paige, “why do you care who asks me for my number?”
“i don’t!” paige answered defensively, although it was a complete lie.
“what are you, jealous?”
paige’s cheeks tinted at her comment, “don’t be silly, azzi.” she turned on the car and began driving down the road.
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arriving back on campus, paige instantly took off without as much as a glance at azzi. after their short argument in the car, paige blasted music to avoid further comments from azzi.
azzi scrolled into her dorm that she shared with caroline, letting out an aggravated sigh.
“you good, girl?” carol asked azzi, with her eyebrows drawn together.
“yeah. coach auriemma made me and paige go out to eat, trying to make us get to know one another. complete bullshit, if you ask me.”
“why don’t y’all like each other, anyway?” carol questioned her friend.
“i don’t know! i have no idea what i did to her. she’s hated me ever since USA basketball,” azzi complained.
caroline looked around in confusion. “wait, so what went down when you guys were out?”
“we were actually talking, without arguing, and a guy came up, asking for my number. paige just got up and left. then in the car, she got all pissing and screamed how i said yes ‘right in front of her,’” azzi made quotations with her fingers.
caroline laughed at azzi’s explanation. “what?” azzi smiled.
“she was jealous!”
although azzi accused paige of being jealous earlier, she didn’t exactly believe it to be true. how could paige be jealous of someone hitting on azzi? she hated her.
“no, trust me, she wasn’t. she was just upset for some reason.”
“oh my god, she’s totally in love with you or something,” carol suggested as azzi turned pink.
“caroline, she’s not. she’s constantly avoiding me and is always mean. does that really should like her liking me?”
carol held out her hands like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “um, yes!”
azzi couldn’t comprehend how caroline got the impression that paige was in love with her. that was beyond crazy. paige’s hatred for azzi has been going strong ever since USA basketball tryouts. there was just no way.
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practice the next day was going smoothly; paige and azzi didn’t interact much, like the usual, which didn’t cause geno to enable further consequences for the young girls. azzi was showing off her 3 point shooting skills, while paige continued to be an assist machine.
it was time for another 5v5, and of course paige and azzi were on opposing teams. azzi drained 3 after 3, getting impressive looks from her teammates as well as the two coaches.
a long rebound ended up near the 3 point line, to which azzi managed to secure it. however, she didn’t see the older blonde who was also going for the rebound right behind her. paige crashed into azzi, knocking her to the floor face first. paige maintained her standing position, with each one of her legs around azzi’s torso.
without thinking, paige reached down to place both hands on azzi’s hips, gently pulling her up. azzi’s ass was flush against paige’s front, sending unwelcome feelings throughout the blonde’s body.
there’s a brief moment of awkward silence, azzi still slightly disoriented from the fall. paige’s hands lingered on azzi’s hips a second too long, not that azzi made any hint to move them. she can feel the older girls hands on her body, steady and warm, making her heart skip a beat in her chest.
“you good?” paige whispered, practically in the curly brunette’s ear, given the distance between the girls.
“yeah, thanks,” azzi replied breathlessly, trying desperately to hide the flush creeping up her neck.
after noticing her lingering hands on the hips of azzi, paige removes them acting as calm as possible. paige notices a shift in tone and smirks, teasing the younger girl, “didn’t think i hit you that hard.”
azzi responds with a snark of her own, “i’m not fragile, you know,” attempting to look tougher than she truly is.
paige’s smirk widens as she allows her eyes to take in the sight of azzi. messy bun, leg sleeve, practice jersey slightly ruffled. she looked good.
“like what you see?” azzi commented on paige’s wandering eyes.
embarrassed, paige looks away, “you wish.”
azzi softly chuckles as the freshmen makes her way over to caroline and yanna, ready to continue the 5v5.
in a dais, paige stands motionless in the spot of her and azzi’s interaction, silently wishing she could have one more excuse to talk to her.
but the older girl didn’t, so she walked back into position, ready for the next play to come.
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bl00d1nk · 9 months ago
ꜱʟᴀꜱʜᴇʀ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴɴᴏɴꜱ; ᵈᵃᵗⁱⁿᵍ ᵗʰᵉᵐ
✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:
​🇨​​🇭​​🇦​​🇷​​🇦​​🇨​​🇹​​🇪​​🇷​​🇸​: brahms heelshire, patrick bateman, herbert west
​🇼​​🇦​​🇷​​🇳​​🇮​​🇳​​🇬​​🇸​: slashers ofc, brahms lack of hygiene, brahms being possesive, brahms stalking you basically,patrick being a dick, vauge nsfw in patricks, dead people obvi, body snatching, also not read over so if theres any mistakes whoopsies
​🇦​​🇺​​🇹​​🇭​​🇴​​🇷​​🇸​ ​🇳​​🇴​​🇹​​🇪​: first time writing for slashers omds + writing for the first time properly in like a year so teehee also lemme know if you want this for other slashers :PPP also i tried to write this v gn but idk if i acc did so pls gimme suggestions on how to keep everything in my writing inclusive plsss!!! also if ur wondering what "w/" means it just means with im just too lazy to write with teehee
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𖦹 stinky
𖦹 i dont mean that in a funny way like this man fucking REEKS
𖦹 this means you will have to get him to wash himself
𖦹 only perk of that is showering n bathing w/ him, its a real big part of your relationship
𖦹 he likes it because hes close to you and it gives him a lot of comfort and feels really cared for if you wash his hair for him + likes the feeling of your fingers massaging his scalp
𖦹 he likes leaving things he thinks you'll like all around the house
𖦹 he found a crusty ass ring he'll think you'll like?KABOOSH!!!!! its on the bathroom counter
𖦹 he also doesn't take too kindly to anyone you talk to that isn't him, he gets really jealous n upset over that
𖦹 this makes him extremly bratty unfortunately
𖦹 prepare for him being in the walls and banging on them for hours on end to piss you off and placing that stupid doll everywhere just to get a scare out of you
𖦹 will literally refuse to do anything for you
𖦹 buttt you can make it up to him by telling him theres nothing to worry about n making him a wee sandwich + giving him kisses, easy peasy squeeze the lemon (im really hoping some of yous got that reference)
𖦹 brahms also likes cuddling
𖦹 a lot
𖦹 you're sitting down reading or on your phone? not without him on your lap nuzzing into your neck having a wee nap
𖦹 you might end up with dead legs by the end of it but hey! it was worth it
𖦹 probably......
𖦹 he just stares at you a lot but dw! not in a creepy way (from his perspective at least), he's just admiring your beauty
𖦹 really likes it when you read to him + it puts him to sleep
𖦹 also loves it when you brush his hair, surprise surprise it also puts him to sleep
𖦹 CLINGY!!!!!!!!! so very very very very CLINGY
𖦹 if you leave the room for a second he will follow doesnt matter if he knows where you're going he will follow
𖦹 gets so upset if you leave during cuddling even if its to pee
𖦹 he will whine n grasp n tug at what you're wearing in an attempt to get you to stay w/ him
𖦹 the time he spends following n watching you could be stalking atp
𖦹 seperation anxiety? he knows her, very well
𖦹 will cry if you leave the house until you come back, n the moment you do he practically jumps you, crying and wailing into your shoulder begging you not to leave him ever again
𖦹 will have no intentions of letting go of you for the rest of the day
𖦹 he also really like sleeping in the same bed w/ you
𖦹 he likes that he knows you're there, you can tuck him in, read to him, cuddle him, give him forehead kisses n comfort him in case he has a nightmare or vice versca
𖦹 n e ways 8.5/10 -1 for stinkyness, -0.5 for well him being him ig
𖦹 before i get into this one i actually hate patrick bateman w/ a burning passion for very obvious reasons so i struggled HARD w/ this
𖦹 alr so we all saw that les mis poster in the opening scene so he deffo would bring you along to watch any high end musicals w/ him
𖦹 SKINCARE!!!!!!!!! he has a whole ass ROUTINE which he will explain to you in great detail and explain why the water has to be a certain temp n why this needs to be put on this way n that needs to be put on that way
𖦹 would let you do skincare on him but beware that he will check the entire ingredients list before you put it on his face
𖦹 its rather boring to listen to but he looks so proud of himself while explaining it, how could you not listen?????
𖦹 he spoils you rotten like its acc so bad
𖦹 you wanted those fancy ass pairs of shoes? they're already in your hands
𖦹 you want a reservation at dorsia? you've got one
𖦹 you literally want anything in the world? you'll have it before you even know you want it
𖦹 he obviously doesn't like people apart from himself so when he found the slightest bit of attraction to you he immediatley became infatuated with you and your life
𖦹 why were you making him feel this way? how were you making him feel this way? was it sorcery? was he going insane? yeah
𖦹 suprise suprise this did lead him to asking you out which led you up to here getting whatever you want
𖦹 hes a jealous fucker i can tell you that
𖦹 especially when he sees you within a 6ft distance of paul allen
𖦹 he storms over and makes some passive aggresive comment toward the two of you and then tries to keep himself cool w/ some swanky inner monologue and eventually drags you away because he "needed to talk to you"
𖦹 spoiler alert, he didn't
𖦹 all this leads to is some rather lewd acts back at his apartment as he tries to reassure himself that he's much better than paul allen and taunts you asking if you think paul allen could make you feel this way
𖦹 rants on to you about his music collection and explains how he thinks this song led them to stardom and someone was an idiot for not releasing this and that as a single and not putting these songs in this album and yadayadaya
𖦹 great if you actually are bothered to listen to him rant on for ages horrific if you aren't, gets quite offended if you don't show much interest in his music
𖦹 i get if if you don't tho, its really something...
𖦹 we all know this man is a complete germaphobe so be absolutley horrifically aware of that unless you fancy getting yelled at
𖦹 he love love LOVESS watching texas chainsaw massacare with you, he loves it when you twos just sit there in silence and cuddle while watching people get brutally attacked n chased, how romantic!
𖦹 finds it funny when you grimace or go 'oh my god' at any brutal scene in it
𖦹 touchy
𖦹 v e r y t o u c h y
𖦹 at any public event he always has a hand snaked around your waist or has his arm linked in yours
𖦹 even in is apartment he still has that hand snaked aorund your waist
𖦹 not a fan of kissing bc he's a germaphobe but because he knows were you've been most of the time he dislikes it a little less
𖦹 prefers giving forehead kisses tho as its quick and much more hygenic than lips
𖦹 god that was tough to write but overall, 7.5/10, -2.5 for being himself. i hate him too much to give him a better rating so ja
𖦹 i am so horrendously excited to write this because for the last like 4 days i have not stopped thinking about reanimator, i eat sleep breath the franchise, and herbert west is such a giggle so teehee
𖦹 alright if you're not in the science field or have any connection to dan hes probably not going to take an interest in you as you're not one of his areas of interest
𖦹 if you are in the category of herbert wests interests well done! he tolerates you
𖦹 like patrick would notice how weird he felt around you and would probably blame it on 'primal urges' ew
𖦹 he would most likely ignore them until he can't, and it eventually all bubbles over and he just can't resist inviting you to his basement of wonders
𖦹 he just watches you intently the entire time your there much like brahms does, also not in a creepy way (in his eyes) just admiring you
𖦹 he probably goes on a rather detailed explanation of his work and what he did to get here
𖦹 if you ever feel a lil faint abt all that stuff he just puts a reassuring hand on your shoulder cuz hes a lil awkward
𖦹 lowkey enlists you alongside dan to go steal bodies and experiment on them
𖦹 if you ever get attacked by one of the re-animated he literally doesn't leave your side, mainly to see the severity of your injuries to examine the strength of the reanimated and the other tiny bit because he cares for you
𖦹 has shit talking sessions about dr hill w/ you, it mainly consists of him getting rather heated over the fact he plagiarizes his work and ya know the whole 6-12 mins thing
𖦹 is very clingy with you when dr hill is around as he doesn't want him to make any creepy ass remarks about you so he sticks to your side like he sticks to his research
𖦹 really appreciates is when you cook for him as he's a total basement dweller and doesn't leave it for food
𖦹 so lets say you actually did make something for him he would be really surprised and would be rather amused that you care enough to make him something and he'll gladly eat it
𖦹 also doesn't sleep a lot, so if and when he comes up from the basement he will be taking a nap on you
𖦹 speaking of him taking naps, he'll just plonk on top of you when he wants to take a nap so
𖦹 yay!!!
𖦹 like patrick with music herbert will rant on about science to you
𖦹 at any time, like you could be in bed ready to finally sleep and then he starts rambling about the R.E.M cycle and how benificial sleep is for the body yet he gets absolutley NONE
𖦹 isn't very good at expressing affection for you bc he's herbert so those naps and his rants are actually his way of showing he rlly likes you
𖦹 kissing isn't his favourite thing in the world bc of germs and stuff, so he presses quick kisses to your forehead, nose and cheek such a gentleman
𖦹 but, when herberts all whiny and annoyed at life he will be down for a cheeky make out sesh
𖦹 he gets very flustered after it which is pretty funny to watch so he usually distracts himself with science
𖦹 i genuinely couldn't tell you if he would use petnames or not
𖦹 will use your name 99.9999999999% of the time, just maybe will call you darling
𖦹 just maybe.....
𖦹 n e ways dunno what else to write so 8.9/10, -1.1 for being a body snatcher ig
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omds that was so hard and I was gonna add more characters but i kinda got lazy but PLEEEAAAASSEEEE lemme know what you guys thought ty :3
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rootspiral · 2 months ago
Agatha All Along deep dive: episode 9 part 2
(Wandavision entries: [1][2][3])
(AAA entries: ep1 [1][2][3][4] ep2 [1][2][3][4] ep3 [1][2][3] ep4 [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][+1] ep5 [1][2][3][4][5] ep6 [1][2][3] ep7 [1][2][3][4][5][6] ep8 [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9] ep9 [1][2][3][4][5][6])
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I'm glad nicky came up with a cool new tune because according to period movies and shows greensleeves is the only song anyone ever knew
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look at that meek little smile, ughhhh. nicky is like two days old and this asshole has already figured out he's the perfect prop for her murder sprees. and these poor women are calling her sister and are willing to help too.
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the spell is te accipimus in circulum, we accept you in the circle, and yes that makes me cry a little. we accept you in our community. and the spell is yellow air magic, which sounds like the most empathic kind if Lilia is any indication.
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that's interesting, you can't really tell that well from screencaps but go rewatch the scene, this witch is making mushrooms grow with yellow magic instead of green?? is it just a spell (she is holding a book) or have I been getting it all wrong and color has nothing to do with the type of magic one has?
or maybe??? the color depends on the coven you're in?? the salemites all had blue magic for example. and now that I think about it the stone circle is a protection spell but it's not red/orange.
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the meaning of this scene is so glaring dear lord. agatha was never going to give these women a chance to prove that yes, there are people out there who could love and help and accept her. she has shut herself up to that possibility a long time ago.
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and she stole the soup too. awful.
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I've seen all the different theories about nicky needing to feed on witches too, or nicky needing soul sacrifices to survive because he's the son of death etc. we don't have enough evidence to prove anything yet, but personally I headcanon nicky as a totally normal kid, that makes this story even more tragic.
and aww that baby suckling on the little pudgy fist
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nicky doesn't look that happy about what he's been asked to do, does he?
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we establish that nicky was sickly (maybe he was born with some internal defect that rio temporarily patched up?) we also see him steal the bell agatha will use for her Road scam in the future.
and we meet yet another witch being kind and wanting to help.
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agatha: I love this six year old so much I'm gonna make him accessory to murder
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and the big fake gasp too. as usual this bitch has conned a whole community
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like, she's convinced herself that other witches are bad and are after her WHILE relying on witches's good hearts to con and kill them. what sort of mental gymnastics???
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color goes from yellow to purple. nicky waits outside while his mom commits murder, it's not a good look on agatha. completely fucked up, actually.
(I'm terrified that the goat will end up being an agent of mephisto or something idiotic like that, lemme tell you. I hope they're just keeping it for milk and company.)
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and here's the million dollar question. nicky has seen his mom kill literally since he was born, and now he's old enough to start realizing what that means.
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oooh I know that look, that's agatha when she's put on the spot. she avoids his gaze, she can't be sincere with him.
and of course she's teaching herself spells from a book. nerrrrrrd
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nicky, bless his soul, appears to give it a good thought and then offers a practical suggestion. I guess he wouldn't mind to have a roof on his head and some friends too.
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GREAT acting from kathryn here. the quick OH SHIT face followed by the super final NO, with her jaw so rigid. in typical agatha fashion, when she's upset she becomes avoidant.
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this is evanora's legacy. despite agatha's immense love for nicky, she is passing all that pain down and inflicting it on him.
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remember when she called billy a survivor? this is the greatest asset in her opinion, the one she wants to teach her son. the truth is, she is angry at witches because she is scared of them, she's scared of being targeted again. but look at that kid's dark circles, I can't believe she's making him sleep in the woods, sick as he is!
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really really fantastic subtlety. agatha wants to sound wise and strong, but she looks scared, uncertain, guilty.
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see how nicky looks at agatha while he sings? he's checking to see if she's noticing, because his mom likes music and likes his voice. he's afraid he has upset her and wants to make her smile. he tried to reason with her, and now he tries to soothe her. this is what happens when you have an immature parent, a child will want to help, they will try to fix things. they'll end up parenting their parent, and it should always be the other way round.
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agatha takes the bait. she's relieved that the conversation has moved to a safer subject. but oh, this script is so good. this is a mostly innocent, mostly sweet remark, but with a possessive undertone. don't forget that you are mine, she says.
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and still, the love is real. even in a fucked up situation like this, these moment of happiness are precious and genuine and will linger on. look at how adoringly nicky looks at his mom, she's literally the sun and center of his small world, and that's how agatha likes it: she created nicky because she needed someone who could be hers without any baggage or consequences. but it turns out that raising a child is not a cheat code for love, it's one of the most difficult, most significant and impactful decisions a human can make.
go to episode 9 part 3
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creative-caramel-coffee · 11 months ago
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The Spiders Sister - Chapter 3
Summary: Reader meets the team.
Tw: mentions of sickness, teasing
Words: 2.8K
A/n: Thanks for all the support this series has been getting :) If anyone has any suggestions for things that could happen in this series lemme know and I’ll see what I think. No smut though I don’t write that here.
The next day you woke to knocking on the bedroom door. Sitting up in bed you quietly called for whoever it was to enter.
A moment later Wanda poked her head through the door. Seeing you awake or at least semi-awake she slipped through the small space she had created.
“Good morning.” She smiled coming to sit beside you on the bed. “Did you sleep well?” She asked pressed her hand to your forehead.
“Mmm.” You hummed still half asleep.
“You don’t feel warm anymore.” She smiled at this achievement as if she was proud of you. “How are you feeling today?” She asked moving her hands to rest in her lap again.
“Tired, but that’s probably because I just woke up.” You smiled.
“Nat sent me to wake you up. She wanted to know if your well enough to meet the others today.” Wanda explained looking slightly guilty.
“I mean, I’m game if you are. Where’s Nat?” You asked coving a yawn.
“Nat’s training with steve. And not so fast, I want to know more about how you're feeling. No more headache? Cough? Wheezing? Give me something.” She grinned.
“My headaches gone, no more cough, maybe a slight wheeze I’m not too sure.” You begun and Wanda’s brow furrowed slightly at the mention of your wheezing. “I’m like ninety-nine percent sure my fever is gone, and I feel pretty good all things aside.” You finished.
“That’s good. Maybe keep your inhaler on you today just in case. And after the meeting I’ll see if I can get Bruce to give us a few spares, just in case.” Wanda said softly.
“You really don’t have to.” You said shyly toying with a loose thread on the sheets.
“Its no problem. I would make me feel better. Breathing is important.” Wanda teased easing your concerns.
“So, when’s the meeting?” You asked.
“Well, I think Nat wanted to do it as soon as possible. Like straight after training and then I’m going to make you some pancakes for brunch.” Wanda said poking your side. “But for now, hop up, get dressed and I’ll be back soon to show you where the meeting room is.” Wanda said, standing up and heading for the door.
Once wanda had left, probably to go and find Nat to call the meeting, you crawled out of bed. Rifling through your backpack you changed out your sleepshirt and shorts for a pair of black track pants and a pale-yellow t-shirt. Throwing on some goofy socks and lacing up your black converse high tops you braided your hair sat in front of the mirror and threw on some deodorant.
Once you were ready and had been to the bathroom to wash your face and go through your morning routine, you sat at peters desk.
Picking up your backpack you went through it until finding what you were looking for.
Pulling out the black sketchbook you opened it to a fresh page and began mindlessly doodling things you could see around peters room and the cityscape beyond the open curtains.
Just as you were getting into the details of the New York skyline you heard a knock on the door.
Lowering your pencil, you sat a little straighter.
“Come in.” You called your voice sounding better than it had in days. And surprisingly good for someone who had spent hours coughing and wheezing for days on end.
Wanda opened the door and smiled seeing you up and about for the first time.
“You look much better.” She commented coming to stand by your shoulder. “Wow, you’re an amazing artist.” She smiled looking at your drawings.
“Oh, um … thanks.” You smiled still a little awkward when it came to compliments. “So, what’s the news?” You asked.
“Hmm? Oh, yes.” Wanda said looking up from where she had been inspecting your sketchbook. “Nat called Fury. He’s kinda the boss. He’s given the go ahead if steve and tony sign off on it. Nat then called a meeting and I’m going to bring you to the room where you're going to meet the team.” She explained.
“I have two questions.” You said.
“Shoot.” Wanda said pulling you up and gesturing to follow her out the door.
“One, is peter going to be at this meeting?” You asked as Wanda lead you down some seemingly endless corridors.
“Yes.” Wanda nodded, pressing the button to call the lift.
“And two, this Fury guy said yes? Just like that?” You asked sounding slightly confused.
“Yes and no.” Wanda begun, stepping onto the lift with you beside her. “Nat asked Jarvis, Tony’s AI assistant to pull up all CCTV footage of spider-man and separate footage based on bio-signatures. So, she could differentiate between when it was peter and when it was you in the suit. She sent Fury the files and after he reviewed them, he approved you a place on the team. If you want it and the others agree.” Wanda explained.
“Okay.” You said slowly. “Seems like a good plan.” You smiled.
And the lift dinged softly as it slowed to a stop.
“This is us.” Wanda said and you followed her out of the open doors. Walking beside her down a hallway she stopped in front of a door and paused to look at you. “You ready?” She asked, her hand on the door handle.
“Yep.” You nodded swollowing down your nerves. “Ready as I’ll even be.”
“You’ll be great. Just be yourself and they’ll love you.” Wanda said and pushed the door open.
Nat was stood at the head of the table, a screen behind her queued up with spider-man videos. She smiled at you and wanda as the rest of the people turned to face you.
Seeing the people you had only ever seen on Tv in real life was a little overwhelming at first but wanda squeezed your hand and lead you into the room to stand at the front with her and Nat.
Peter smiled at you from where he was sat beside Tony. Looking proud of you just for standing in front of the avengers.
You stood there silent for a second simply making eye contact with your shoes before Natasha spoke up.
“This is Y/n.” Nat begun, and you gave a small half wave with an awkward smile. Tony was staring you down with an unreadable expression. He looked like he was analysing your face mentally. Most likely already having connected you to Peter.
“Hi I’m Y/n Parker.” You said lifting your eyes to meet a few smiling faces around the room a fair few of them sporting shocked looks.
“Parker?” Tony echoed sounding smaller than you had ever heard from his times on Tv.
“Y/n Parker is Peters sister.” Wanda explained.
“Kid?” Tony looked hurt. “Why didn’t you tell me there were two of you?” He asked looking sad.
Peter looked slightly sick at the open disappointment his mentor was showing right now and so you stepped in before peter had a panic attack.
“Mr Stark, Sir, it was my decision to keep myself out of the spotlight. And to do that I needed to maintain a low profile. Which is harder to do when the avengers know of your existence. No offence.” You explained. And the team exchanged a few glances as they noted how you had come to Peter’s aid almost immediately.
“That’s alright, I’m sure Pete will open up now you’re here.” Tony said with a grin as he ruffled Peters hair, “Won’t-cha kiddo?” He asked with his usual charismatic charm and Peter gave a small nod and smile while he ducked his head not liking the attention.
“So, anyone have anymore questions?” You asked drawing the attention off of Peter once more much to your brothers' relief.
Looking away from the small smile he sent you as thanks you laughed, seeing every hand in the room up with a question for you, bar Nat, Peter and Wanda of course.
You looked to your left and nodded to Steve.
“Hi, nice to meet you kid.” Steve said. “I have a question though, if Peter’s identity is secret, why did you need to stay away from us?” He asked looking confused, and his statement drew a few nods around the room.
“If Tony scares you honey, I can assure you that the man would forget his own shoes without me.” Someone you recognised as Pepper Potts said with a smile causing Tony to grumble to himself. How Nat had managed to wrangle the CEO of Stark industries into this meeting you didn’t know.
Little did you know that all it took was ‘There’s something you should know, it has to do with Peter’ and she was on her way.
“Actually,” Wanda said drawing the gaze of the room to her, “This should explain it. Jarvis play the video.” She said and the lights dimmed as the Tv showed a compilation of some of your best moves in the spider-suit.
When the video ended the lights retuned to their normal brightness and everyone still looked confused.
“How exactly does a compilation of Peter doing tricks explain that?” Bruce asked.
“Um…” You said looking slightly nervous. “That was me.” You said in a small voice and the room was silent for a second.
“Sick moves kid. Peter your sister’s awesome.” Sam said and a few people laughed at his perfect comedic timing.
“Prove it.” Tony said and you paled slightly.
“Tony.” Pepper said placing her hand on his arm and shooting him a look.
“No, its ok pepper.” Nat said. “Jarvis?” Nat called to the ceiling. “Was that peter in the suit for those videos?” She asked.
“The height and weight as well as body stature and proportions do not match Master Parker.” Jarvis said.
“Ok,” Nat continued, “Who do those body descriptors match in this room?” She asked.
“The person in the suit does match the body of Miss Parker.” Jarvis said and Tony frowned.
“Do the sticky thing.” Bucky called drawing a few smiles. You rolled your eyes and put a hand up, splaying your fingers before jumping in the air and touching the ceiling where you stayed stuck.
“Crawl around.” Sam said and you glared at his heckling.
“No.” You said and you saw Peter doing his puppy eyes at you. “Fine.” You sighed.
Jumping up you did a flip and stuck your legs out, now standing on the ceiling upside down and making eye contact with Sam before looking to Bucky.
“Better?” You asked sarcastically.
“Much.” Sam grinned and you rolled your eyes again.
“Ok. Get down Y/n.” Nat said sounding part annoyed part amused at the display.
“Yes ma’am.” You said before detaching from the roof and doing a flip to landing back where you were before.
“Show off.” Peter murmured under his breath and you huffed a small laugh as his ears went red, not having expected you to hear him. Dumb super-hearing.
“Well, now we’re done with the party tricks. What are we thinking?” You asked brushing off invisible dirt from your clothes.
“Well…” Tony said. “I think its time you got your own suit.” He grinned and you smiled back. “What colours do you want kiddo?” He asked.
“Um… maybe something like purple, white and red?” You said and he nodded already sketching down ideas on a pad of paper pepper had brought with her from a meeting.
“You’re also getting an AI.” Tony added and you looked a peter who simply smiled proudly of you.
“Well, if that’s everything Y/n’s also gonna need a room.” Wanda said and Tony nodded.
“There’s a spare room on Natasha and Wanda’s floor if you want to move in with the girls. Do I need to send some movers to grab your things?” Tony asked and you looked at your shoes and shook your head.
“Not much to move.” You mumbled.
“Y/n’s apartment was taken out in the last battle. She’s been hiding out in Peter’s room for now. That’s how we met actually.” Natasha said shooting you a reassuring smile.
“Well, it sounds like I’m going to be funding yet another shopping trip.” Tony sighed and Wanda grinned at you mischievously.
“We’ll make it a girl's day.” Wanda said shooting a look at pepper.
“I’d love to.” Pepper agreed and Nat clapped her hands together.
“Alright then.” The assassin said. “I should probably tell Fury we have another spider on the team.” Nat grinned and you smiled at her.
“Great, now we have three spiders.” Tony said rolling his eyes and ducking as Pepper aimed a pretty good swing to the back of his head.
“Knock it off Tony, don’t act like you're not secretly overjoyed to have another Parker around.” Pepper said.
“Just wondering,” Bruce said looking mildly nervous as the room turned to look at him.
“Yes?” You prompted him to continue.
“Are you…” He begun before pausing, “I guess theres no real nice way to put it.” Bruce said and Tony jumped in.
“I think Brucie-bear wants to know if you come with the Parker Brain Package.” Tony said and Pepper glared at him.
“Tony.” She warned, glaring at him while you cleared your throat.
“If you’re asking about how smart I am, let’s just say I designed the original prototype for the web-shooters and chemical makeup of the fluid.” You said and Tony nodded seemingly satisfied with that small tidbit of information for now.
“Well, if nobody had anything else to say, Wanda and I are going to take Y/n for a tour of the compound.” Nat said before turning to look at Clint. “And you, have to make dinner. You lost our bet.” Nat said and then dragged you and Wanda out of the room by your sleeves.
After a very long and very comprehensive tour by Natasha and Wanda, you were shown back to the communal kitchen where most of the team ate together when they weren’t on missions.
You walked into the dining room attached to the kitchen to be hit with the smell of burnt food pungent in the air.
You looked at Nat confused, and she grinned as she heard cursing coming from the kitchen. Wanda looked like she was itching to go help but sad she pulled away Nat grabbed her sleeve at the very last second to hold her back.
“Can someone explain whats going on for me?” You asked.
“Well, Clint and Natasha can’t cook if their lives depended on it.” Wanda begun, only to shush Nat when she went to speak up. “So naturally they made a bet, loser had to cook the team dinner, naturally Clint lost so Nat is enjoying his public humiliation. And I normally cook if we aren’t getting takeout so it's causing me pain to hear whats going on in there.”
“Oh, calm down. Clints not blowing anything up.” Nat said rolling her eyes as Wanda shot her a look. “Ok that was one time.” Nat amended.
Not twenty minutes later you were sat at a table with the avengers with a plate of very burnt stake and watery mash potatoes.
“What is it?” Tony asked poking his steak.
Clint grinned. “A masterpiece.” He said.
“More like a mistake.” Nat muttered judging her steak while poking it with her knife as if she was expecting it to start moving of its own accord.
“I say we have newbie try it.” Tony posed and you rolled your eyes.
Cutting off a piece of the very tough steak with your knife you raised it to your lips and put it in your mouth.
It was tough and kind of disgusting. But you smiled anyway.
Finding the meat tougher than you had been expecting, you made the switch as you called you fangs up. Your canines sharpened as you chewed managing to decimate the meat. Swallowing you looked at Clint.
“Not the worst thing I’ve every eaten.” You said with a smirk and Tony who had been watching you closely squeaked.
“Jeez kid you didn’t tell me your sister was a vampire.” Tony said turning to Peter.
By this point most of they eyes were on you, so you hid your teeth and retracted the fangs out of embarrassment.
“She’s not. It’s a spider thing she got.” Peter said coming yo your defence.
“Either way her new name is fangs.” Tony said with a grin.
This time you glared at him.
“For the record i think they’re awesome.” Wanda said sensing your embarrassment.
“Seconded.” Nat said her spy training honing in on your body language to see you were insecure about it.
“I gotta admit it’s a cool trick doll.” Bucky said.
“Pretty neat.” Steve agreed with a smile.
“Badass.” Sam nodded flicking a still frozen pea at Bucky. “Alright, now that y/n probably has food poisoning, who wants pizza?” Nat asked with a grin. Cheers came from all sides of the table as Clint slumped dejectedly in his seat.
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6ix9inewiturmom · 11 months ago
Rated R Video (Chris’ Version) Part One
Summary: You and chris are dating and you got invited for a special edition car video which slowly turns into chris doing everything you asked for! Chris x Fem Reader!!
Warnings: Cursing, talking of sexual acts, use of Y/N
A/N: here’s a chris version for yall chris girlys!! lemme know how yall like this one!! part 2 will be smutty so :)
me and chris have been dating for a little over a 2 years now, chris was was absolutely perfect in every way known to man, but chris had only had 1 body before me so needless to say he a couple things to learn. his fans knew about us since about 6 months in, and i mean obviously we’ve had sex but it’s not like we’ve shared it with all 6 million of them but matt and chris thought it was a good idea to make a ‘Rated R’ video about all three of them (chris and i being a package deal) and their ‘personal’ life regarding sex mostly… i mean i was down if chris was down and boy ive only ever heard him say yes quicker then when he asked me if i was down to join the video… let’s just say nervous was not even close to what i was feeling.
“IM SITTING NEXT TO Y/N” nick yells across the parking lot of target that the boys suggested on filming in
chris rolls his eyes “she’s MY girlfriend and considering the topic don’t you think i should sit next to her?”
i laugh softly “you guys have assigned seats in the car chris, i’ll sit next to nick, don’t worry”
chris hugs me quickly placing a soft kiss on my head before entering the passenger side of the car sitting next to matt and i sit in the passenger rear seat behind him next to nick. matt sets up the camera and presses record.
“please never start a video like that again” chris can’t help but laugh
“grumpy.. BUT since we talked about a rated R video you guys absolutely blew up talking about it on tiktok and every other form of social media so you ask and shall receive!” nick starts “BUT today we have a very special and important person in the car today.. shes my version of an ‘IT girl’ and i love her to DEATH… Y/N!” nick continues
“hiiii” i say shyly waving towards the camera
“she’s also my girlfriend nick” chris turns around and looks at nick and i with a smirk
nick brings me into a hug and holding me like a child “you know.. CHRISTOPHER… without me yall wouldn’t even know each other” nick says while petting my head in a joking manner
“okay first off, chris turn around. second nick let go of Y/N she looks like she suffocated by the way your holding her” matt spits but with a smile on his face
“okay tuff guy” nick lets me go and i get readjusted to my seat “so i asked you guys to send me some deep questions for us to answer…let’s just say there’s a LOTTT… so let’s get horny shall we” nick smirks doing a little shimmy with his shoulders.
“never say that again” matt breaths out in between laughs
“do any of you guys own any sex toys” nick says with the straightest face i’ve seen
“Y/N owns a vibrator” chris speaks up for me. i move my arm from my side and give him a light slap on his arm.
“well thank too chris for answering a question for me… might as well tell em the color” i laugh out loud
“AND ITS PINK WITH A LITTLE SPARKLE TO IT” chris yells a little too loud so again i give him another slap on his arm
“that was rhetorical chris…” i say shaking my head smiling
“you know i love Y/N like a sister and all considering she’s gonna marry my brother and all but im not sure how long i can sit through this video” nick says laughing
“matt do you own anything” chris says turning his flashlight on to interrogate him
“it’s just me and my left hand as far as i know” matt says holding up his left hand and moving it a little in a motion of ‘jerking off’
“OKAY NEXT QUESTION” nick stops matt abruptly “deepest sexual fantasies” nick looks up from his phone wiggling his eyes brow’s
“WELL mine would be letting my freak flags fly and go all freaky on my girlfriend” chris says smirking and shimmying in the passenger seat as a blush of embarrassment creeps up on my lips
“Y/N your turn” chris turns around to look at me with a deep stare
“ummm well i uh told chris anything he wanted to try sexually” i cringe “i would be down” i shrug my shoulders
“you don’t have ONE deep dark sexual fantasy in that brain of yours” nick questions
“well i guess to be fully submissive to someone i guess…i don’t know tho” i nervously laugh as i look up and see chris nodding his head and turning around
“matt? go on” chris says slapping matt on the arm
“not gonna lie same as chris but im single so one day” chris lets out a playful scream and attempts to dab up matt before nick places his hand in between the two
“that’s not something to dab someone up for ya freaks” nick laughs out
“NEXT QUESTIONNNN” nick says in a sing songy voice “okay most of these are about chris and matt.. really weird…” nick says almost gagging
“no way let me see” chris snatches the phone from nick “OH MY GOD” chris yells making the entire car jump
“i told you jackass” nick snatches his phone back “OOO OKAY A JUICY ONE… how many times in one night have you done it” nick smiles
chris smiles devilishly “6” he says a little too loud and proud
“UMMM Y/N SIX FUCKING TIMES?!?!” nick says turning to me quickly
“WHATTT… you guys were in boston for 3 weeks.. i’m a woman with needs” i hold my hands up trying to defend myself and laughing
“yeah most i’ve ever done is 3…” matt says smiling at chris “you got me beat by DOUBLED” matt dabs up chris
“chris can you not” i laugh at chris
“sorry ma” he smiles at me softly before chuckling
“okay yeah on THAT note thank you guys for tuning in on this adventure of information that even i didn’t wanna know BYE EVERYONE” nick laughs as matt grabs the camera zooming into chris
“i’m gonna get laid” chris says smirking and i slap his arm AGAIN playfully
“Christopher Owen.. shush” i laugh as matt ends the video clicking the red button on the top of the camera
there was a bit of silence in the car as matt was pulling out of the parking lot that was until nick says the most out of pocket thing he’s said to me since i’ve known him
“you know if Y/N was a vibrator she would be a pink and sparkly one.. so her having one is so Y/N coded” he had the straightest face ever plastered on his face as i burry my face in my hands.
“hey don’t talk about Jennifer like that” chris laughs
“YOU NAMMED YOUR VIBRATOR JENNIFER??” nick snaps his head around to look at me
“chris over sharing is a thing and im pretty sure you have a doctorate degree in it” i say muffled in my hands
matt turns up the radio for the rest of the drive but i hear a ping from my phone as i lift it up unlocking it and noticing chris texted me… why would he text me while being in the same car.
“You won’t be walking for the next week when we get home” chris’ message read and i immediately subconsciously press my thighs together and flip my phone over and turn it downwards trying to hide my blush on my lips.
we arrived at the triplets shared home and i’ve never seen chris get out of the car so quickly and dragging my hand out of the garage.
“we’re so tired so we’re gonna go to bed love ya guys” chris yells while practically running upstairs to our shared bedroom and throwing me on the bed letting a yelp escape my lips.
“i wasn’t kidding Y/N.. you’re gonna count how many times i can make you cum in one night” chris says sternly causing a rush of wetness and heat to my core.
HERES PART 1 OF RATED R VIDEO CHRIS VERSION!! LEMME KNOW HOW YALL LIKED THIS ONE! i tried to make it different from matt’s but LEMME KNOW! it’s a little
short but i didn’t wanna make it exactly like matt’s version but stay tuned for part 2… she’s a working progress BUTTT she’s SMUTTY
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currentlyinflames · 11 days ago
What we have to do to survive - Sylus x gn!Reader
word count: 2.5k
Summary: Sylus comes home after a day of hunting Praedators and you see something off...
cw: violence, injury, mentions of blood, guns, reader is protective almost to an unhealthy level, theres like one suggestive sentence
a/n: written for the new event. I skipped over the patching up scene a lot im sorry im hella squeamish. this man has captivated all my senses so i must bite and write him. this is also my first fic to exceed a thousand words.
Enjoy :D
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You heard the glass door creak as Sylus crept back into your home. 
You never heard him walk in when you first met him but Sylus had since dropped his guard around you. Something about a “little kitten” not being a threat. You showed him just how much of a threat you could be later that night. 
You lifted your head from where it was buried in your book, not taking your eyes off it. 
“Got a moment kitten?” His deep voice called out to you. 
“Mhm, lemme finish this chapter,” You said, still deeply engrossed in your book. 
Sylus chuckled. “You’re not going to step away till you finish the whole book, right sweetie?” There was something held back in his voice, but you didn’t think too much of it. 
He came over to where you were curled up on the couch, standing behind the backrest to kiss you on the cheek. 
You turned your head, catching his lips. “Welcome home.” 
You both separated after a long moment when you caught him holding his side. You quickly got up and went around to him, scanning for any other injuries. 
“What happened? Why didn’t you say anything??” You gingerly touched the hand over the wound, he winced and you quickly pulled your hand away, keeping it hovering nearby. 
“I’m alright, kitten. It’s just a scratch.” Sylus tried to console you. 
You clicked your tongue, worry evident on your face. “You’d say that even if you were bleeding out.” 
He cupped your cheek with his free hand, forcing you to look into his eyes. He smiled softly, his crimson eyes holding your gaze, silently comforting you. 
That didn’t ease your worry as you gripped his arm, getting ready to guide him toward the bathroom with your first aid supplies. You took a breath. Panic would not help anyone right now. 
Sylus stood firm, preventing you from taking him anywhere. “I’m serious, kitten. I’ll be alright.” 
“Not if I don’t take a look. Now come with me or sit down.” 
Sylus chuckled, then winced. “You’re the boss.” 
Your hand slid from his forearm to his free hand, gently guiding him to the cabinet with the first aid kit. 
You made him sit on top of the counter, keeping his injury in front of you, feeling his eyes on you as you pulled out the supplies. 
You didn’t meet his gaze as you started working. “Now, are you gonna tell me what happened or do I need to coax it out of one of your associates.”
“No need to murder on my behalf, sweetie. It was just an incident with a Praedator, nothing too bad.” 
“But no Praedator has been strong enough to hurt you before. Are they getting stronger or are you losing your touch, honey?” You attempted to lighten the mood with your teasing but Sylus seemed pensive because of your words. 
“You’re aware of Praedator testing with frenzy enhancers, right?” 
Your brow furrowed. “Where are you going with this?” 
“You know I have enemies kitten, some of them have it out for me more than others. One of them happens to be in possession of black market frenzy enhancers.” 
“So the Praedator was sent to hunt you. And found you.” 
“They obviously didn’t succeed but they’re still a threat. I want you to keep a weapon on you at all times. Preferably one that I constructed myself with…special anti-Praedator features.” 
“You mean a gun with a taser and Praedator suppressant laced bullets-” 
“-And a second gun with normal bullets. You know me so well my dear. They’re in the top drawer of my nightstand along with my glasses, the hot ones- you know which ones.” 
You finished up the final bandages and went to put the supplies away when Sylus stopped you. “Aren’t you forgetting something sweetie?” 
“I…don’t think so?” 
He pointed to his lips. “A get-well kiss. Won’t that speed up the healing process.” 
You huffed out a laugh. “Oh my sweet, needy man.” 
You reached up to cup his face, one hand on his cheek and the other wrapped around his neck. Your lips slotted against each other perfectly, like they were made to match. His arm wound  around your waist, finding its home in the small of your back. 
You kissed him passionately, savouring the moment. And already thinking of you next move. 
- - - 
You had given Sylus a sleeping pill. A mild one to give you about 3 hours to track down the Praedator and the bastard that dared to target Sylus. 
You snuck over to his phone where he received all his missions and entered the password (“LitTlefeAtHer78%67><) to look up the details of his last job. 
Location: Southern District; near the Old Museum. 
Target: B-Class Praedator
The difficulty had obviously been fabricated. You’d fought B-Rank Praedators yourself and none of them were near Sylus’ skill level. 
The Museum was near where you and Sylus met as you saw him fight for the first time. He was injured then too but those were only a few scratches. Not a planned attack. 
You then scanned the page for any hint as to who might have sent the job. And there it was at the top: Ever. An odd codename but still a lead regardless. 
You looked over to see him sleeping peacefully in your bed. You never thought of yourself as vengeful but Sylus had changed you in many ways since you met him. 
You crept over to the bed and opened the nightstand drawer to pull out the guns he wanted you to have. It was fitting that you were using them on your first “official” job for him. 
The weight was unfamiliar yet balanced in your hands and you quickly tucked them into your holsters, eager to use them. 
You crept out of the room and through the same back door Sylus snuck in through just an hour ago. 
“I’ll be back baby,” you whispered as you looked back one last time before you left. 
Sneaking out with Sylus’ keen senses would have been the hard part of your journey if not for the sleeping pill. Now the obstacle was the time crutch and actually tracking your target from the Museum. 
If you assumed that Sylus had eliminated the treat before leaving the area, that would reduce the chances of you tracking your prey easily. You didn’t want to think that injury made Sylus sloppy but at the moment that was your best bet. 
You entered the museum on high alert, tensing as you hear a noise. A series of thumps followed. 
Slowly, you inched toward the sound, guns in hand, ready to strike at anything there. You hid behind a corner, peeking out to gauge what was there. 
A Praedator was chained to the wall, clearly a weaker type with how it struggled in short bursts, then gave up. 
So the B-Rank Praedator did exist, you realised. But another one was sent too.  
You stepped out from behind the corner, pistols aimed at the Praedator. It snarled back. 
“What happened here? Who sent you?” 
“I don’t work for anyone,” it hissed. “Some weird shirtless man chained me up here after killing another .” 
“And what was the other Praedator like?” 
“Stronger than the man, almost got a bite on him. Wearing a collar like a little pet too.” 
You were getting closer to the answers you wanted. “Did anyone come here after that?” 
“And what will helping you get me?” It sneered. 
“A quick and-relatively- painless death,” you said, raising your chin. “Or I can leave you here and signal some other large, higher ranked Praedator to finish the job. Maybe get some frenzy enhancers as well to really make it interesting.” 
To emphasise your point, you examined one of your guns and aimed it at its left hand, firing a warning shot but having it land in the space next to its upper arm. 
“You won’t actually shoot,” It growled. 
“Try me.” You aimed again, this time at its chest with the electrically charged bullets. You pulled the trigger. 
The bullet didn’t pierce the skin but settled on top, making the Praedator jolt from the electrical shock. 
“Ok- the Praedator was branded- there’s a research facility 3 buildings down- it came from there- that’s all I know I swear-“ 
The jolts began to slowly stop. You cocked your gun, aiming straight at its chest. “Thank you for your service.” 
You fired. 
- - - 
Most buildings in the Southern District were abandoned, meaning there was minimal security in even the previously most important buildings. 
There was nothing stopping you from casually strolling into the facility after shooting the security guard. But you decided to sneak in just in case there were other security measures taken. 
You found an open window on the ground floor and at an easy enough height to crawl through. You landed on dirtied white floors and pulled out your pistols. 
You began walking through the hallway you stumbled into when you heard voices coming from ahead. 
You ducked into the nearest open room, rushing to hide from whoever was coming. 
The voices came closer as you scanned the room, quickly looking for somewhere to hide if they tried to come in. 
The room was compact, with a large cage in the middle. There were screens on the wall that might have been used to track the vitals of the Praedator within the cage but now it was abandoned. 
The voices reached a crescendo outside the room and you held your breath, your finger hovering over the trigger in case you had to make a quick escape. Then you heard the footsteps resume and the voices faded away. 
You paused for a moment, then peeked out of the room. Two men were still standing outside your room, seemingly waiting for something. One was wearing a lab coat and the other a suit. Then the man in the lab coat whispered something to the man in the suit. You could only make out a few words: lab, target and Ever. 
That’s when you caught sight of the suited man’s id badge. It was pinned to his suit jacket and was spelled in small but clear letters: EVER. 
You had found your target. And you would make him pay. 
You had nothing against the scientist other than the fact that he might be a possible witness. You quickly looked around for a distraction. The monitors in your hiding spot were all turned off but they might be connected to another system or alarm. 
You crept over to the nearest one that was hidden from the door and held down the on button. It took a moment, but slowly flickered on. 
The lab must have been abandoned for quite some time because the monitors made use of old technology that primarily detected whether the cage was open or not. 
It indicated that all was well because the cage lock was engaged. But with just the right aim….
You pulled out your normal gun and pointed it at the ancient lock, then fired. 
The bullet struck the latch perfectly. And then the alarms went off. 
The blaring noise made you flinch, then grip your guns harder as you prepared to face Ever. 
The first scientist came in, the one that was just talking to Ever outside. He frantically looked around but before he could catch you, you smacked him upside the head with your pistol. 
Then came the man you were truly waiting for. He ran into the room and you triggered the mechanism that would shut the door. 
“Hello Ever,” You smiled, twirling one of your guns. “I’ve been looking for you.”
He was still reeling from the shock of the alarm. “Who are you? What do you want?”
“Who I am isn’t important. What matters to me is that you tried to harm Sylus, and I don’t take too kindly to that.”
“What could I possibly have to do with that criminal?”
“He’s a threat to you isn’t he? Unpredictable, cunning, skilled. If he decides that you’re his next target, there’s nothing stopping him.”
“He has no reason to target me. He was simply a bug that had to be crushed.”
A warning shot rang out. 
Ever flinched. 
“I know about the frenzy enhancers. I know how you faked the mission debrief to catch Sylus alone and off guard. Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t target you the same way.”
Ever eyed your gun, then met your steely gaze. “My empire will come after you. They’ll never stop.” 
You tilted your head, raising your gun to his chest. “But what is a body without its head.” Then you fired. 
It was a shame you couldn’t draw this out longer, but alas you had a time constraint. 
After making sure the bullet had done its job, you triggered the door mechanism again and went back to where you previously hid. 
You watched the panicked scientists rush in and used the chaos to sneak out. 
Your job was done, and it was time to head home. 
- - 
You broke back into your home using the back door you used to get out. 
You quietly stepped into your closet, changed into comfortable clothes, and tip-toed into the bedroom to lie next to Sylus before he woke up. 
Slowly, you crawled into bed and lay down facing him, cuddling close to bury your face into his chest. 
“Had a nice trip kitten?” His voice came from above you. 
“Shut up I’m tired,” You murmured. “When did you wake up anyway, that pill was strong.” 
“You forget I’ve trained myself against poisons, a little melatonin does nothing. But I’m sure you’ll pass out pretty quick after the field trip you’ve had tonight. Hunting down one of my worst foes? You’re a feisty one aren’t you?” 
“I don’t like seeing you hurt,” you mumbled into his chest. “And you kill for your job without any hesitation, why shouldn’t I do the same for you?” 
“Well that’s just what I have to do to survive in this world darling,” Sylus said. “You have a choice.” 
“What we have to do,” You amended. “We’re in this together, whether you like it or not.” 
He chuckled. “I didn’t know you’d go to such lengths for me kitten.” 
You look up and hold his gaze, unwavering. “I would do anything for you.” 
Sylus wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you closer, his warm breath against your ear as he kissed your temple. “It’s both cute and incredibly hot how you fight for my honour sweetie.” 
You smiled, burying your face back into his muscular pecs. “All for you darling.” 
A moment of silence passed with both of you basking in each others’ presence. Then- 
“And I must say kitten, this was probably one of the best Valentines Day presents you could’ve given me today.” 
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yujiqi · 5 months ago
wash away
bf!hamzah x f!reader
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synopsis: coming home to your boyfriend after a long day of work
genre/s: fluffy fluff, dare i say fluff
warnings: showering together but theres nothing suggestive
wc: 981
a/n: sorry for not posting for so long TT i just don't have the drive most of the time. hamzahs been on my mind a lot lately though so here's this lil thing! this was lowkey really quiet and not much was said i think. enjoy!
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your 9-5 always leaves you so drained, but getting to come home to your beautiful boyfriend makes it all worth it. you walk into hamzah's apartment, slipping your shoes off and setting your bag down. red comes trotting up to you, greeting you with a little meow, rubbing her head on your leg.
"hi sweetie, mommy missed you too" you coo, scratching behind her ears as blue shows up, feeling left out. you pet her too before standing from the crouching position you were in. "is hamzah in his office?" you ask the kittens knowing you won't get a response.
you lazily venture further down the hall into hamzah's room, finding him at his desk editing a new video. despite the fact that he has headphones on, he immediately senses your presence and turns his chair around.
"there's my girl" he smiles, taking off his headphones. "c'mere pretty" he motions you to his lap. you walk towards him, wrapping your arms around his neck, settling with your legs around his waist. you melt into his body, instantly feeling relief from your hectic day.
"how was work?" he kisses your temple.
"y'know," you begin playing with the little curls at the nape of his neck. "tiring"
"my hard working wife. you wanna massage?"
"i'm all sweaty and gross from running around all day" you let out a slight chuckle, recalling how your boss was putting you to work.
"how about we take a nice hot shower, yeah?" you nod your head and climb off his lap. hamzah leads you to the bathroom, softly holding your hand like it'll break if he holds it any tighter. he runs the water and helps you undress, releasing the clasp on your bra. you let out an exhale of relief. he then undresses himself. something you love about your relationship is that being naked together doesn't have to imply or initiate anything. just being comfortable enough to be this vulnerable with each other means a lot.
he helps you step into the shower, ensuring you don't slip. hamzah cares so so so much for you and makes sure you know it. he follows after you, closing the shower door. you turn to face hamzah, the hot water running down your back. you wrap your arms around his waist, resting your head on his chest.
"let's stay like this for a lil bit. please" eyes closed, you tighten your arms as he wraps his around your shoulders, completely engulfing you. you still smell the faint scent of his cologne, bringing you immense comfort. you feel so safe and protected in his embrace, the size difference making you let out a sigh of contentment. you stay like this for 5 minutes, the sound of the water almost lulling you to sleep. hamzah rubs his hand up and down your back as if he's saying "good job, you did well, you can rest now" he presses a kiss to your forehead, looking down at you.
"you okay angel?" he caresses your cheek with his right hand, scanning your face.
"mhm" you glance at him, feeling much better after the moment you two shared.
"atta girl" he leans down, pressing a sweet kiss to your lips. "lemme scrub your back for you" he grabs a cloth and puts some body wash on it. he lathers your back with the suds, making sure he's not being too rough. he travels to your shoulders and your arms and even your hands, getting you sudsy all over.
"you look like the freaking michelin man" he laughs
"oh my god no. the michelin man is terrifying take that back hamzah" you drag out the end of his name.
"boiii he's just a big ass marshmallow thing how are you scared of him" you only frown at him before he pinches your cheeks. "ok fine how about baymax. that's who you look like"
you smile at him in approval, grabbing the cloth from him.
"your turn to become baymax!" you scrub his broad chest, getting the soap all over him. when you get to his arms you squeeze his biceps out of habit.
"so strong baby" you continue squeezing his biceps as you feel him flex.
"i do it all for you y/n, i know how much you like them" he smiles proudly before turning so you can wash his back. you hum as you get to his lower back.
"all done!" you say enthusiastically, events of the day forgotten. "sigh you look like a way better baymax than i did"
"so basically you're calling me big?"
"oh shut upppp" you turn his larger frame around to rinse him off. he turns off the shower and opens the door, motioning for you to step out first. you grab a towel and hand one to him too. he helps you tuck in the towel nicely so you two can carry on with your night routine without it falling.
after brushing your teeth and doing your 10,000 step skincare (according to hamzah) you guys exit the bathroom and look for clothes in hamzah's closet. you have some of your clothes at his place but you always settle for one of his tshirts and a pair of his boxers. hamzah throws on some sweatpants before he picks you up bridal style and carries you to bed.
he lays beside you, pulling you into his body. "all better?" he runs his warm fingers along your hip, sliding under your shirt for more contact
you can only nod your head with the last bit of energy you had. you felt at ease and only hamzah could provide you this solace. only hamzah could help you wash away your stress and anxiety.
"my sweet girl" he whispers, placing one last kiss to your temple as he watches you drift off to sleep, hoping you're dreaming of him.
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byechristopher · 1 year ago
Dates with Chris.
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Author's note: not requested (edit: someone requested it after that, pft) but shit, I am in need of some good old fluff with boyfriend Chris, you know? Do not copy/steal my work. :)
Warnings: not smut but, could be suggestive. Minors dni!
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I feel like Chris is the type of guy that would take you to lil dates all the time. It doesn't have to be something big, you know.
He would be very spontaneous about it, too – "come on, lemme take you to the movies!"
He knows better than to put any pressure on you before any date. He is spontaneous, but that doesn't mean he'll complain if you take a lil too long.
He definitely is the type of guy that showers his girl with compliments, not only before y'all leave, but also on the way, but also during the date and just – he never stops.
"You look so good.. please be my girl."
"I am your girlfriend, Chris. Stop." he laughs and kisses you at that.
He holds your hand and kisses you the whole time. Not only because he couldn't care less about what the world thinks, but also because he is proud to have you and wants you to feel like the only girl in the world; you are.
I feel like he wouldn't be too formal when it came to dates – he would definitely pick up a random flower while you're walking, and if there weren't any, he'd just try to find a flower shop to get you something.
"I couldn't decide which flower to get you.. so I got all of them?"
He loves it when you dress up. It doesn't matter if you just show up in your hoodies and jeans, he still thinks you're the most beautiful girl in the world – but he thinks is cute when you take your sweet time to plan your outfits, even if the date is just for ice cream.
He definitely is someone who teases you under the table, with every chance he gets. He giggles every time you slap his hand away.
"Babyyy, I'll stop, I'll stop." he would say, but of course he doesn't really stop.
He would take you to your favourite restaurant, or the park that you both love, the movies, anywhere.
His favourite date would be somewhere where you can see the whole town, in the night, on the hood of the car, while holding you in his arms – this is where he's having the deepest conversations of his life.
"You're the love of my life, you know that? The woman of my dreams."
You're definitely having sex with him in the car afterwards.
He also definitely offers to carry you the minute you show any sign of discomfort – it's the cutest thing in the world. Same thing with his hoodie. If it's too cold, you're wearing his hoodie whether you like it or not.
"It's not ruining the outfit, God! Just wear it already."
Chris is also the type to plan cute, silly dates at home; like, he'd cook something for you and would pretend to be your chef at a restaurant or something. He'd wear an apron, change his accent and everything.
"Welcome to Stromboli Restaurant, mademoiselle. Bon appétit."
Overall, he's very affectionate, very playful, he loves you and cherishes you more than any other girl, so he makes sure to show it to you all the time.
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shellxrls · 11 months ago
okay to complete the trilogy
here’s how jj fucks
okay so we all know jj is an energetic person, and this only escalates in bed.
he has ridiculous stamina and an even more ridiculous refractory period. he will dump three loads and still be up for more.
he also does not gaf if it gets messy.
he loves to feel in control, I mentioned this with rafe but for him it’s slightly different. he’s much less mean about it. Rafe sees it as a power trip whereas jj sees it as like “helping” in a way.
for me specifically sometimes I just need to turn my brain off and that’s exactly where sex with jj comes in best.
he’s not soothing like John b is, he just does not stop. and that fucking works.
he also very much knows what he likes, and will always make sure he gets that, but he’s also realllyyy good at making sure the pleasure is mutual.
he never had an off day when it comes to giving pleasure, he may but a dumb fuck, but he does know how a girls (and a guys I can’t even lie to you) body works.
he loves giving backshots! if he could choose one sex position for the rest of his life it would be having me face down ass up.
he goes fast and hard, and he’s a grunter. Always with the little punched out “uh, uh, uh”’s and it’s so so hottttt.
skin slapping and bedpost banging are the primary sounds heard other than disgustingly shameless moaning.
jj is a shameless moaner and he made me one too the little cunt.
if I’m not loud enough for his liking or if I’m tryna quiet myself down he will dirty talk the noises out of me.
he genuinely said “lemme hear those pretty noises mama, yeahhhh that’s it.” And I’m never. ever recovering.
he’s not into any kinks that involve deliberate injury for pleasure. like slapping or choking, stuff like that he hates in bed. simply because his at home life is quite unstable and he just can’t imagine ever doing that to someone he loves cause he knows how it feels. even if it’s consensual on the receiving side he just absolutely cannot bring himself to do it. As a very open and experimenting person in bed, choking, slapping anything of that type of action he absolutely refuses and honestly I get that. He also refuses any type of noncon.
however he can spank. though only EVER does it when he’s really mad or riled up, and even then he is so so so attentive. always checking in after every hit just to make sure it’s not becoming too much.
he is also very adamant about safe words. always having a safe word and action and always checking through them and agreeing on them before we do anything that involves deliberate injury or just anything particularly rough in general.
also makes sure to give very good aftercare after spanking or a particularly rough night. LOTS of kisses and praise cause he would absolutely eat away at himself if he thought I was feeling neglected or bad about myself cause of something he’d done. especially in a setting as vulnerable as that.
and he’s also very good and communication which surprised me. again he’s very adamant about never hurting the people he loves, especially with the way he grew up. if I’ve suggested something he doesn’t want to do for that reason he’s very good at voicing it and honestly I’m glad bc I would never want to make him uncomfortable.
he’s also v open about sex, and is always totally there to talk about it or hear new suggestions or anything that I need to talk about he will.
he is very into butt stuff!!! I am his anal princess I cannot even begin to lie to u. he definitely has not bought me as many butt plugs but you bet I’m gettin a nice one he saved up for every Valentine’s Day cause he’s jst a lover boy to his core <33 and butt stuff <333
he’s mostly into giving praise but sometimes if he’s particularly wound up a little bit of degradation is sprinkled in. again is very thorough with aftercare after the fact of these situations.
he’s also such a munch. like the munchiest munch in munchland. he owns a t-shirt that says “I ❤️ eating pussy” and wears it on a regular.
he knows just how to work a pussy with his mouth and its IMMACULATE!!! he can also eat ass too omg.
he lovesss using toys. most guys see toys as a competition, but not jj. this man knows what’s up. he has a whole ass collection of random ass toys laying around and somehow at some point they all get used.
his fav combination when I’m tired is being four fingers knuckles deep in me with a vibrator to my clit and ohmygollygoshgoodness. deceased.
he’s really into tired / sleepy sex too. though he’d never do anything sexual while I was asleep because as previously stated, this man does not do any type of noncon.
but like I say if one of us wakes up in the middle of the night then it’s sleepy, sloppy, tired messy sex and ughh <333
he also loves cockwarming mmh. well put a movie on and I’ll jst sit on his cock and it’s sooo..
loves being sucked off <3 and he has such a pretty dick too. uncut but he actually likes to shave around there. such a perfect pink tip like I can’t even it’s the prettiest thing. can taste putrid though if I’m not careful.
he likes to have his balls played with / sucked on.
and PISS KINK!!! omg he’s jst gross ab it it’s so hot. makes me grind on his thing when I need to piss just to make me lose control and :(((
also on another note he does not gaf if I’m on my period. a true soldier is not afraid to get his sword bloody (I saw someone else on their blog say this and have honestly just adopted the phrase cause it makes me giggle)
I think this is everything but I’m literally so tired right now, if there’s anything I’ve forgotten I’ll js put it in a different ask <3
- rafe shifter
i’m posting this rn cuz everyone wants it !! i don’t have time to individually respond but trust i WILL add onto this post later with my own thoughts. ty anon for sending this in and taking time to explain every detail <3 !!
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itsthatmff · 3 months ago
Hello! could you do fem reader x saitama where reader is a simp for saitama like you guys could be hanging out with Genos and king chilling and you just out of the blue say
"saitama is like a crinkled bottle I just gotta blow the top and he's back🤤🥸🤠😎"
and everyone just looks at you like your crazy
Ive been wanting to write this for so long and finally managed to get something together. As usual I had an idea for Genos as well and it kinda turned out longer than I expected…
Do you guys want a pt. 2?? Lemme know!!
OPM Men with a simp reader
Included : Saitama, Genos
Warning: slightly suggestive !
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You had kinda just become part of Saitama’s friend group as being part of the heroes association and stumbling upon the bald head often. Whether it was for gaming or Hotpot, you kinda were just there. And this was another day of you taunting the others whilst King, Saitama and you played Smash bros. Genos sat a bit further behind just observing you and not understanding a single mechanic of the game.
The fact that you had something for Saitama? It was obvious to everyone but him. All your flirting tactics kinda just went past him and made you look like a sicko in front of the others. But you wouldn’t give up. It was in your nature after all.
Some grunts and complaints over the game could be heard but other than that it was pretty still, with you three being so overly concentrated on the game. Then out of a sudden it just came out of you. “Saitama is like a crinkled bottle. I just gotta blow the top and he’s back.” You had the widest smirk etched on your face.
Slowly King’s and Genos’ head turned to you with the most irritated faces. Silence filled the room. Whilst king was speechless, Genos looked like he was about to incinerate you any second.
“Do you not have any respect for Saitama Sensei-!” Genos snapped but was quickly interrupted by King.
“What does that even mean?” King asked trying to guess your riddle.
The only unbothered guy in the room was Saitama. He hadn’t even looked towards your way. “Could you guys focus? I’m about to win this round.”
It frustrated you so much that he didn’t even acknowledge your hard work! At first he used to give you confused looks but after a while the effect had washed away. “You know I was talking about you! There’s no other Saitama in the room!” You were too upset not to say anything. Your hands had set the controller down next to you on the floor. Suddenly you noticed just how tiny Saitama’s one-room apartment was and just how cramped the space was. You felt the need for some fresh air.
“I know.”, Saitama casually retorted still avoiding your gaze. For a while no one said anything till Saitama too set down his controller with a sigh.
“You don’t really mean it though do you?” That was the first time this round that he had looked at you. His palms were holding to the ground and his head was tilted.
That gaze had you break out in sweat. You had become all nervous from a single gaze alone. “I do.” You managed to push out from your lungs. Karma had quickly drifted back to you. These were the consequences of your own actions.
“Then we’ll see if it’s true. After the game.” Saitama picked the controller back up and started a new round. You could swear that you had seen a smirk on his face for a single second.
Not only you were flustered but even Genos and King felt the effect. You three looked at each other in disbelief. your hard work had paid off!!
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It was a known fact in the heroes association that Genos couldn’t stand you. Whenever he was asked how he felt towards you he’d reply with something along the lines of “She is as annoying as one can get”.
You irritated the cyborg to no ends. He was here for a purpose and a goal. Not to deal with flirtatious attempts by you. And what bothered him the most was that you didn’t even consider yourself one of his fangirls. You didn’t know a single thing about him besides his outer exterior. It was like you just did it for the sake of it.
At another S-class Meeting he sat right across from you on the large meeting table. He was focused on the orders given and the tactics exchanged. But he also could feel your piercing gaze out of the corner of his eyes. He tried ignoring you as best as possible like he usually would.
“(Y/N) who would you like getting paired up with on the next mission? You’re a capable hero.” The manager asked you. Was that even a question? With an amused smirk you leaned back and gave the blonde cyborg another taunting look before responding.
“Demon cyborg. I wanna see what he’s made out of inside and outside of battling.” On the surface those words clung harmless, but everyone at the table knew of your suggestive nature towards Genos.
Metal bat choked on his salvia next you as he heard those words. This was a professional meeting after all. And Genos? He was giving you the most intense glare of all time. He would have incinerated you right here and now if he could have. He wanted to refuse at all costs. But getting around you was no easy feat.
“What? Are you scared?” You proceeded to teasingly ask. How fun it was to get him riled up.
Scared? A small scoff left his synthetic lips. Yoi were like a fly to him. “No. I shall accept.” His circuits ran wild of anger but he tried to keep steady and calm.
He had never learned how to deal with pests like you, since ignoring your existence obviously didn’t work. Getting mad only gave you the satisfaction you wanted. He thought deeply. There had to be something he could do. Maybe if he used the same method it would shake her up? But no. He could not fall as low as you have. But if he agreed to do everything you wanted you’d loose interest probably.
With his calculations done he proceeded to follow you out to the hallway after the meeting. You turned around to face him a bit confused. “We’ll head out for the mission in half an hour-“
“I am aware. 28 minutes and 37 seconds to be precise.” His golden irises laid on you as he crossed his arms. “I had wanted to ask what you meant with your statement back at the meeting.”
This was getting weird. Not once had he come up to you to strike up conversation. Especially regarding the teasing and flirting you did. “What statement?” You asked, pretending not to know what he was referring to at all.
“Desiring to see what I am made out of. Inside and outside of the battlefield.” He was blunt. If there was something he wanted to know, then he’d ask.
He was putting you on the spot. And you didn’t like how this went at all. You had to play along. Get the upper hand. He was obviously trying to find and exploit some weakness of yours. “What do you think it means?”. Regarding the question back to him was the safest option for now.
The floor was filled with silence for a few moments as the cyborg stared at you quietly. He seemed to be deep in thought, calculating an answer. The guy had not the slightest clue to what suggestive flirting even was. He was a cyborg seeking vengeance, not the main lead of a romance.
After contemplating, he did what he thought made the most sense and proceeded to rip off the sleeveless shirt he was wearing, leaving him shirtless. There wasn’t much to see anyways except for metal.
But still it threw you so off guard that you stared at him like he was crazy. How did he even come to that conclusion?? It was so sudden that it got you slightly flustered. “What the hell-“
His shirt had become nothing but remnants of textile on the floor. “You wanted to see what I am made out of, ultimately suggesting to know about my mechanical build-“ Genos wasn’t one to smile or smirk at all. But seeing how he had finally managed to get back at her and see her getting thrown off guard made him feel rich. Had he known it’d be so easy he would have done so earlier. The hint of redness on your cheek didn’t escape his sight.
This might turn out to become pretty fun for him.
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triassictriserratops · 11 months ago
checking in to say I’m such a sucker for Katniss and Peeta discussing their mommy issues once they’re together again. I once saw a post pointing out that they’re the only ones in the series with that kind of trauma and it made so much sense to me why they easily bonded with each other. Just imagine them finally being able to discuss how unsafe they felt even before the games and realize that they have someone in their family who understands that problem and doesn’t make it feel that way. Katniss and Peeta have always been tender with each other but I fear it only gets worse the more they share and get close
we joke a lot about how THG is what Katniss would write about her experiences in the games and war. (Explaining her, frankly, INSANE odes to Peeta's eyelashes.) but also? we're sleeping on the idea that Katniss writes a book absolutely trashing Peeta's mom. It's gonna be a fucking BESTSELLER. I actually have an advanced reader copy, here, lemme show you:
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(Note, i spent like 4 hours making this absolutely garbage fucking cover, please validate me. My feelings gland needs this.) I also have this idea that while Katniss does come to understand her mother better by the end of the book - a relationship, a GOOD relationship, with the two of them - it's just going to take time. In that time, maybe Peeta helps to bridge the gap. He does weekly check-ins with Katniss' mom. Telling her how Katniss is doing but also answering her questions about how HE'S doing. And he realizes how...nice it is for a mom to want to know how his day was or be proud of his accomplishments. It's not a replacement for what he should have had, but it's nicer than what he ever got. His relationship with his family is gone. That's it. There will never be any hope of it ever getting better. But Katniss DOES have her mom and he wants to help them. And, from the conversations and tears they've shared about this, he knows she wants it too. So he starts by suggesting that Katniss' mom go through her own therapy to be able to come to terms with her grief and the consequences of what that grief did to her relationships with her living family. He puts her in touch with Dr. Aurelius who gives him a referral to someone in 4 that works in grief and family counseling. And it's not easy. Not by any means. Not for anyone. But in time, years, decades - the bonds of family are strengthened. They're never perfect, you can't fix the past, of course. But the pains are acknowledged on both sides. Their new relationship is hard-earned and exactly what they both need of each other. 15 years down the line, Mrs. Everdeen gets to push the hair out of her daughters eyes while she delivers her first grandbaby. She gets to watch her baby look in awe, and wonderment at her own baby. She gets to watch her family grow a little bigger and a little stronger. Later, when Peeta makes sure both Katniss and baby are safe and sleeping, he goes over to Mrs. Everdeen and hugs her tightly. "Thanks for being here for us, Ma."
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ddollfface · 1 year ago
𝐈 𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐆𝐞𝐭 𝐉𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬
𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗦𝗶𝗰𝗸!𝗔𝘁𝗵𝗹𝗲𝘁𝗲 𝘅 𝗮𝗳𝗮𝗯!𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿
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"Don't bite your lips, you're so selfish. Lemme do it for you ;)"
Trigger Warnings; jealousy, Cocky!Yandere, manipulation, possessiveness, yandere behaviors, bad writing, hinting at nsfw but doesn't show anything, I had afab!reader in mind but I think it can be gn!reader too If I missed anything, then please let me know ♡ Just some jealousy thoughts about LoveSick!Athlete... As usually, if ya' got any requests/suggestions, then let me know!!! (I'm definitely not running out of steam lol)
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Well, you see, LoveSick!Athlete doesn't really get jealous, so to speak. I mean, of course, he does get jealous, everyone does, seeing as it's a normal human emotion. And he's not a complete robot or anything. The thing is, he's just too cocky, too confident in himself to feel it often.
It's a mixture of confidence for you and himself. He's attractive, and he knows it. He's a twenty-one, lean, athlete who can kick anyone's ass if they dared to flirt with you. Though, he never does, seeing as he doesn't see any of these men as threats. Actually, he sees it as comedy, something that makes him laugh. He really pities these guys who think they can get with you, the hottest chick on uni campus. Like, really, what does this guy think he's doing, doll? Does he really believe that a babe like you would fork up your number to anyone? Especially, a guy who's already got a bald spot?
Honestly, he's really mean about it, and sometimes you can't help but feel bad for the guys who approach you. But, come on now, they must be stupid or something to completely brush off the arm that's wrapped around you shoulder. They likely just ignored it, hoping to save their ego, somewhat. They should've just seen it coming, at least, that's how you rationalize it.
He knows you wouldn't fuck another guy for two reasons:
1. First of all, why would you? Especially, when you have the hottest guy around the block. LoveSick!Athlete loves you to death. He makes sure your needs are met. That you're never hungry, thirsty, or needy. Nope, his baby's never left hanging. He's never left you high and dry, the bedroom set aside.
2. Who would hook up with? No, really, I'm serious. LoveSick!Athlete has practically chased off all competition, all you got is him. There's not a second that you're away from him, besides the bathroom. If you got a different class than him, welp he's waiting right out the door for you, ignoring all the whispers from your classmates who gawk at the hockey player.
3. He knows you're busy, he makes sure you are, with all that classwork, trying to get through college in one piece. What a hard worker you are; he's so proud of you. You're far too caught up in your grades and semester hours to be bothered with other men, though he's made sure that he's the only one that stuck around. Don't worry, he doesn't mind your tight schedule. You can't go to a cafe, date, 'cause you have to study? That's okay, what do you want? He'll bring it to your dorm! 'Cause, y'know, he's sweet like that ;)
4. And finally, though this isn't really a separate reason, he made sure that everyone knew ya'll were together. Well, not that you know that. He told all his buddies about you, how sweet you are, and how you're such a good girlfriend. I mean, he knows you guys never made it official, but what's the problem with that? You're practically dating, in his mind. You guys text/call all the time, you go out to eat together, go to amusement parks, and so, so much more. How is that not dating? Why *wouldn't* you want to date him? You guys would be such a power couple, don't 'cha think, babe? Our babies would be so cute; I hope they have your eyes &lt;;3?"
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joelmillersbedroom · 1 year ago
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Pairing: Joel Miller x reader
Summary: After months of dancing around your feelings with Joel, it comes to a head. And his reason for avoiding you comes as a surprise.
Warnings: MDNI 18+; suggestive content, no actual smut (yet?), potential for part two, which would be afab reader, since that’s all I can really do justice/know first hand, but no descriptive qualities as far as looks. Jackson era, swearing, age gap (32 and 56). Let me know if I missed any.
A/N: Be gentle on me- I haven’t written much and not in SO long. And none for Joel.
Also rapidly realizing that despite taking so many honors English classes in HS and college, I really know fuck all about correct paragraph format and present/past tense, omfg.
Lemme know if you want the smut and I’ll make a part two lmao.
Joel is avoiding you.
You know it. He knows it.
And you know why.
You’ve been dancing around each other for days now. Ever since all of the lingering glances and brushing of arms came to a head and you grabbed his thigh in the shadows of the Tipsy Bison. Encouraged by his low lids and your even lower whiskey glasses.
He stopped breathing, and when he realized himself, he jumped like he’d been burned. Muttering some excuse before darting from the bar.
You weren’t sure whether to laugh or to be embarrassed. But why be embarrassed when you knew how he actually felt? You could see it every time he looked at you with those dark eyes. Did he think he was being sly?
Months of the spindly fingers of your dry humor and wit, selflessness and competency that he so admired, worming its way through the splintering cracks of his walls until, without him even noticing, they shattered completely.
But you were too fucking young. He could’ve been your dad, for fuck’s sake.
You couldn’t have been more than your early thirties, at most. He was afraid to ask. At 56, he had no business looking at you in any form other than just his patrol partner. At most- a friend.
But fuck, it had been so long. Maybe that’s all it was, right? But even with Tess, he’d never felt like this. That was friendship- the sex just a means to an end- a way to escape. With you… he knew it went beyond just physical attraction. If he said it didn’t, he’d just be lying to himself. It was all of you.
It wasn’t his fault that he liked when you shot a clicker in the head without even an afterthought. Or that you could put someone in their place while being respectful at the same time. That you could teach him new things without making him feel like a stupid old man.
It wasn’t his fault that you could catch him off guard and make him laugh like he hasn’t in years. Or that your eyes sparkling in the Tipsy Bison twinkle lights made him stop breathing. And it definitely wasn’t his fault that he had to practically run from you so your wandering hand didn’t feel his thickening hard-on that came out of nowhere, like he was a fucking teenager.
It wasn’t your fault that he felt this way about you. But he had to be the one to stop it. Pretend like it never happened.
Which obviously you wouldn’t stand for. He should’ve known better.
As soon as you saw your name next to someone else’s on the patrol schedule for the following day, you decided that enough was enough. You gave him a few days to sort his shit out. It was time to give him a piece of your fucking mind.
Walking to Joel’s house was easy. Unfortunately for him, you were neighbors. Fortunately for him, you left your knives at home. You were fantasizing about stabbing him at this point.
Passing by Ellie’s lit up apartment you were relieved that she wouldn’t have to bear witness to your rapidly growing annoyance. It was beginning to fester into self doubt. Because fuck, what if you imagined how he felt and you basically assaulted him in public? Except you know that’s not the case. Right?
As soon as Joel opens the door you’re pushing past him into the kitchen.
It looks like he hasn’t done a dish in days. Flannels taken off after a long day strewn over the backs of dining chairs. Crumbs on the counter.
“Jesus, Joel, crack a window. What’s going on in here?”
Sighing your name, he rounds the corner after you. “Is there a reason you barged into my house?”
“Oh, I don’t know. Maybe because you’ve been avoiding me,” you huff, leaning against his counter.
“Dunno what you’re talkin’ about,” he averts his eyes, deciding that now is the time to tidy his kitchen.
“Don’t bullshit me, Joel.”
“‘m not,” he sighs, filling the sink with warm water.
“Yeah? Then why is now the time to do the dishes that have been sitting there for three days?”
Fuck. He knows you’re not going to let this go, but he’ll be damned if he doesn’t try to avoid the topic for as long as possible.
“Joel, did I make you uncomfortable?”
His head snaps up, “what?”
That, unfortunately, was the furthest thing from the truth. He wishes it was so he could gently let you down and have you be on your way. Go back to the way things were before, before he knew what he was missing. Before he got addicted to you and you consumed his every waking thought.
“When I… touched you. In the bar,” you falter, suddenly feeling embarrassed. Second guessing everything. Because what if that’s actually what this was?
He decides to get it over with before this becomes any more unbearable.
“Christ. No, I wasn’t uncomfortable. That was the problem,” he grits out.
“I fucking knew it! I fucking. Knew it!”
“No, you listen. I don’t know what your deal is. I get that we’ve both been through some fucked up shit in the last twenty years, and maybe that’s a huge reason for why you’re so closed off. Denying yourself something that you obviously want-“
He starts to cut you off, saying your name in a stern whisper, but you don’t let him.
“Let me finish.” Surprisingly, he lets you continue, a war waging in his eyes.
“I’m not asking you to marry me, Joel. I’m asking you to just be fucking honest with me. It doesn’t have to be anything serious. It doesn’t have to be anything at all. But I know you feel something for me.”
He’s gripping the counter so hard that his knuckles are turning white. His jaw ticks as he looks down into the sink, watching the little soap bubbles burst until he collects his thoughts enough to speak. You don’t realize that you’re holding your breath until he starts talking.
“I don’t… I don’t know what to do with this. I’m too-“
“Stubborn?” You suggest, despite yourself.
“Old,” he forces out.
Your eyebrows shoot into your hairline, because that is not at all what you were expecting him to say.
He lets out a humorless laugh. “I’m 56. I’m way too old for you, sweetheart.”
You clench at the nickname despite wanting to throttle him. “I’m 32. Not 13.”
He groans. “Not helping.”
You lean away from the counter. “I thought you were avoiding this because you were like…” you flail your hands, trying to find the words, “emotionally fucked up, or something.”
He snorts, despite how flustered he feels at admitting his insecurities. “I probably am. But that’s not the point.”
“I’m a grown ass woman. We met as two grown ass adults, Joel. What are you afraid of?”
He clenches his jaw. He can’t meet your eyes.
You press on. “Are you worried about what society thinks? There’s an apocalypse, if you haven’t noticed. I don’t give a shit what Mrs. Johnson down the street thinks. She’s an asshole anyway-“
“No. What’s the point in surviving if you stopped really living twenty years ago? You’re not dead. You deserve to do what makes you feel alive.”
He drags his eyes up to yours, leaning up from the sink. You think he might touch you, but he only faces you. Hesitant.
“Doesn’t bother you that I’m old?” He rasps, eyes low, inching closer. “Hm?”
“I think it’s kind of hot,” you say, smirking.
You shyly smile at each other. Letting it settle.
“We only live once, Joel,” you whisper. “I don’t want to be on my death bed thinking, ‘damn, I really wished I’d fucked that old man’.”
He barks a single surprised laugh at that, throwing his head back.
And you think he’s never looked so beautiful.
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